Man Uploads Video Of Him Mimicking A Mass Shooter In Hotel Room; Claims It’s An ‘Art Project’

Some jokes aren’t as funny as we would want them to be. Oftentimes, it ends with an outcome that’s different from what we initially had in mind.

Comedy is complicated and some people shouldn’t be allowed to even step foot in this messy realm.

Reader: What do you mean I should quit my dreams of becoming a stand-up artist? This is a free country, sir! I have come to conclude that I will never not be funny.

Image: Giphy

A comedic prodigy like myself would know just where to draw the line.

A man who was identified as 30-year-old Steven Homoki was arrested last Thursday in his home in San Diego after videos of him mimicking a mass shooting made its rounds on YouTube.

Image: CBS News

According to the self-declared trickster, the following clips were a part of a miniature art project that he had been working on.

That’s not very nice, Steven! 

Image: Giphy

Captured Himself Mimicking a Mass Shooting

According to the San Diego police, the chilling series of clips were taken from a hotel room at The Sofia. The hotel was located in downtown San Diego.

Image: CBS News

Homoki had uploaded the videos under an alias on Youtube. He classified it as “satire” and “not to be taken seriously”.

The beginning of the footage showed Homoki gathering ammunition before aiming his gun towards a sidewalk filled with people.

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