Something inexplicable happened this year on 29 May.
A traffic police officer had contacted a man through a messaging platform to inform him that he had two outstanding fines for traffic offences he had previously committed.
The officer had tried to call him earlier, but he did not answer his phone.
Now, most human beings, at least those over the age of 7, would know that the right thing to do here would be to apologise, and make the necessary payments.
But this man chose to insult the female officer and send her upskirt photos of an unknown person instead.

As you know, sending upskirt photos is not part of the procedure to pay outstanding traffic fines, and is actually an offence.
Now, the man has to face the consequences for his puzzling actions.
Man Who Sent Upskirt Photos To Traffic Police Officer Will Serve Jail For 2 Weeks
The 34-year-old was fined S$3,000 on Wednesday (30 Sept) after he pleaded guilty to a single charge of making insulting communication towards a public servant.
However, the man, Muhamad Idris Kairudin, told the court he has no money to pay the fine as he just started work two weeks ago.
Consequently, he will serve two weeks in jail in lieu of the fine, according to TODAY.
On 29 May, the female officer had sent Idris messages on WhatsApp to remind him to pay his outstanding traffic fines.
Instead of replying like a normal person, however, the 34-year-old sent two upskirt photos to the officer without any explanation.
Idris also sent her a vulgar text message, which said: “You crazy like p***y… So what if you are traffic police… kiss my b***s you want?”.
With such a ridiculous and unfathomable response, we can only ask one question: why?

Unfortunately, it seems like we’ll never get an explanation.
After receiving those rude messages, the officer lodged a report at the Sengkang Neighbourhood Police Centre on 3 June.
Idris was arrested later that day, and the police seized a Samsung mobile phone from him.
Despite his unwarranted discourtesy, Idris had “nothing to say” in mitigation.
Could Have Ended Worse
For insulting a public servant, the 34-year-old could have been jailed up to a year, fined up to S$5,000 or both.
It could have been a lot worse for the man, though.
If charges had been pressed against Idris for outrage of modesty for sending those upskirt photos, he could have been jailed for up to two years, fined, caned or any combination of the three.
The police said they will not tolerate any acts of abuse against public servants who are carrying out their duties.
I never thought I’d have to say this, but please do not insult or send upskirt photos to public servants, or anyone for that matter.
And while you’re at it, stop taking (or downloading) upskirt photos as well.