Mark Lee’s Story About His Relationship with His Mother Went Viral With Over 220K Views

Mothers’ Day 2022 truly had no lack of warmth and love.

From posting old photos taken with their mothers to enjoying a dinner out with the whole family, many used the occasion to express their gratitude to the parental figure who had nurtured and raised them.

But actor, host and comedian Mark Lee decided he would do something a little different this year.

Mothers’ Day Interview

A few days before the occasion, King Kong Media Production posted a nine-minute-long video on Facebook of Lee sharing the most heart-warming story of his relationship with his mother.

Starting with his younger memories of her, Lee praised his mother’s attributes of being intelligent and responsible.

He added that she was full of life wisdom and always took on responsibilities on her own without voicing a complaint.

Owing to Lee’s poor background, his first birthday celebration only occurred when he was nine years old. He shared that back then, he did not realise how much his mother had scrimped and saved just to buy him a cake and three comic books.

Regret Over His Mistake

But as with all youth, we have our rebellious phase.

Lee recounted an incident where he felt frustrated with his mother constantly nagging him to return home and eventually scolded her back. Silently, she turned around and left.

It wasn’t until many years later that Lee realised how wrong his actions were and said it was the most apologetic thing he had done to his mother.

“This is the knot that has always been in my heart,” Lee said regrettably.

We then get to hear from Lee’s mother.

She shared how she would rather Lee bring his friends home than he leave the house even if she had to clean up the mess afterwards.

Difficulties in Acting Career

Lee also shared about the difficulties and uncertainty he initially faced in his acting career. However, his mother was still supportive of him and even helped him out financially while cutting back on her personal costs.

His mother was worried about his future but all of that was eased when Lee finally won his first Star Awards in 1998.

Over the years, he even found it hilarious when his mother could not decide how much to brag about his achievements.

Lee continued to share about his mother’s frugal nature and how she would refuse to buy anything while overseas. Even the gift he bought her was untouched as she found it too valuable.

Did Not Meet for Three Months

After Lee’s career took off, he found himself travelling frequently and seeing his mother less often. He shared that at one point, he had not seen her for three months and it was only when she called him that he remembered.

Lee advised everyone that sometimes it is up to the children to take initiative to contact their parents.

In the final segment, Lee and his mother then wish each other a happy and healthy life with him writing a touching message to her.

Touching Video Goes Viral

The video has since gone viral online with over 240,000 views and many users commenting on how stirring it was.

Indeed, Lee has reminded all children of the sacrifice that their mothers make and that showing gratefulness should not just be an annual thing.

You can watch the full video here but definitely prepare some tissues if you do.

Featured Image: Facebook (King Kong Media Production 金刚媒体)

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