Although all of us are probably aware of the numerous negative consequences of bullying, it occurs a lot more often than you might think.
Victims of bullying are often left feeling embarrassed, worthless and it can also largely affect their self-esteem and confidence.
Bullying Case In Mee Toh School
Recently, Twitter user @4YSLZ took to social media to share an incident where her younger sister was bullied in school.
On her birthday.
That’s right, these bullies have no mercy.
Here’s a summary of what happened:
A bunch of Primary 5 students from Mee Toh School wrote hurtful messages on pieces of paper and threw them at the girl, calling her “ugly” and “dumb”.

The twitter user also shared that her sister had been a victim of bullying for a long time. She has returned home with vandalised uniforms, been cyberbullied and also been called names.
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Her post about the incident blew up and received a lot of attention from other netizens, and Singapore’s Education Minister Ong Ye Kung even spoke up about the situation via Facebook.

Bullies Involved Have Been Disciplined & Counselled
A ruthless act of bullying like this should never go unpunished.
The Twitter user mentioned that she had contacted the school and the Ministry of Education (MOE) about the situation and that her parents had been in contact with her sister’s teachers regarding previous bullying incidents as well.
The school’s principal, Mrs Wang-Tan Sun Sun, spoke about the incident on 11 Mar 2020 and assured everyone that the bullies had been disciplined and counselled.
“The students responsible for the unkind acts, except for one who was on sick leave, have been counselled and disciplined accordingly,” she said, according to CNA.
She also added that they have apologised to the victim.
A “sorry” definitely can’t fix everything, but at least it’s better than nothing.
The school conducted investigations for three days after hearing about the incident and enforced disciplinary actions on the students involved immediately afterwards.
The principal, however, didn’t clarify exactly what happened when the victim’s family previously approached them for help.
Their Parents Have Been Informed
Mee Toh School also contacted the parents of the students who had bullied the victim, as well as the victim’s mother.
“We have spoken to the parents of the students involved in the incident and they understood the seriousness of their children’s actions. Together, we will work with the parents to ensure that the children learn from their mistakes,” said Mrs Wang.
“While inappropriate misconduct does happen from time to time, it is not the culture of our school, and our students are generally respectful, kind and helpful.”
The school also had a “long discussion” with the victim’s mother regarding what had happened and assured her that they took the incident very seriously.
1 in 4 15-year-old Students in Singapore Have Been Bullied
This incident is just one of the many bullying cases that occur in primary and secondary schools in Singapore.
A study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2018, revealed that more than 1 in 4 of 15-year-old students in Singapore has been victims of bullying in school a few times a month.
I’m pretty sure this shocking statistic is more than enough for us to realise that we need to focus a lot more attention on the prevention of bullying.

The best way to go about it is to teach children to always be kind to their peers, no matter what their race or skin colour might be.
We can’t have young children hating each other and making each other’s lives miserable just because they can do it.
Spread love, not hate.