Migrant Worker Molested 13YO Student & 32YO Teaching Staff ‘Coz He ‘Didn’t Know S’pore Laws’

The sky is blue; the grass is green; in other news, there’s another molestation case in town.

Though no, this one’s not from you-know-who.

Migrant Worker Molested 13YO Student & 32YO Teaching Staff ‘Coz He ‘Didn’t Know S’pore Laws’

According to TODAYonlinea 32-year-old migrant worker has been sentenced to 20 months in prison and three strokes of the cane for molestation.

Apparently, Bangladeshi Rahaman Shahinor had violated two victims in two separate incidents, on back-to-back days.

Both offences occurred at the Forest Canopy Boardwalk at One-North Park Fusionopolis South.

According to the news report, he committed the first offence on the evening of 28 January 2021.

Spotting a 13-year-old student who was on her way home from school, he purposely bumped into her, causing her to fall.

As she did so, he seized the opportunity to grope her.

She quickly recovered and tried to dash back to her school, but Rahaman intercepted her and groped her again.

The student then turned and attempted to run towards the MRT station, but was stopped by the perpetrator, who lugged her backpack from behind.

Despite her frantic shouts, he proceeded to grab the hem of her blouse and tried to pull it upwards.

Then, he continued by pulling the collar of her blouse.

He also lunged at her mobile phone when she attempted to dial her mother for help.

Thankfully, he failed and had to make a quick retreat.

But it appears that his illicit thirst would resurface just hours later.

At 7:10 a.m. on 29 January 2021, he targeted a 30-year-old teaching support staff member, halting in front of her and groping her for a few seconds.

This victim attempted to hold on to him as she called the police, but he managed to escape.

She later saw him at One-North Crescent, and proceeded to take a video of him.

When a security officer left the school, she called out to him and shouted “That’s him! That’s him!”

The culprit, however, managed to get away again.

Apparently, he had taken the MRT back towards his dormitory, which is situated near Pioneer station.


In court, Rahaman apologised profusely for what he did, and claimed that his parents are “waiting for him” back in Bangladesh.

“Sorry. I wrong already. I mistake already. Next time, I never do. My father, mother cry for me. I no working. Many cry,” he said.

He also claimed to be unaware of Singapore law and its restrictions.

In response, the judge stated: “It is not a defence to say that you didn’t know something was an offence.”

The judge also pointed out how Rahaman had persistently harassed the first victim, even going so far as to pursue her to lift up her blouse.

Rahaman eventually pleaded guilty to two counts of molestation.

For molesting a minor, he could have faced a jail term of up to five years or a fine or caning, or all three penalties.

For molesting the woman, he could have been imprisoned for up to two years or fined or caned, or all three penalties.


Over the last couple of months, reported news of molestation and even rape cases have proved particularly prevalent.

Though one could attribute the rise in trend to the stressful nature of the pandemic, one can’t help but wonder whether such offences have actually been prevalent throughout the ages.

The only difference? Victims are becoming braver by the year.

Should you or anyone you know be facing such incidents, please seek assistance as soon as you can.

You can contact the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)’s Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) at 6779 0282, or email them at [email protected]

You can also call the police at 999, SMS them at 71999, or make a report for an investigation over here.

Featured Image: Google Maps

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