Migrant Workers Help Clear Water from in Bedok After SCDF Put Out Fire in HDB Flat

When it comes to winning the hearts and minds of people in Singapore, the SCDF does it all.

Whether through their Facebook page or through their actions.


And this time, their actions brought them praise from none other than Singapore’s newest Leader of the Opposition.

Pritam Singh: “Thank You”

On 7 Aug 2020, while most of us were probably fascinated by the National Day workout ad on YouTube, a fire broke out at 111 Bedok Reservoir Road.

Mr Pritam Singh took to Facebook to show his appreciation for our brave SCDF officers.

Image: Facebook (Pritam Singh)

He said that there were no casualties in this incident.

A neighbour’s son, Rueben, managed to help the elderly gentleman residing within the unit out of the house.

Image: Facebook (Pritam Singh)

Mr Singh revealed that both the elderly gentleman and his wife will be staying at their daughter’s place while their home gets restored.

He also thanked the SCDF team who had put out the fire by the time he arrived, as well as the police officers and HDB who rendered their assistance.

But those weren’t the only people he has to thank.

Foreign Workers Helped To Remove Excess Water

After the SCDF team managed to put out the fire, this was the aftermath.

Image: Facebook (Pritam Singh)

However, instead of the residents themselves or SCDF who has to do clean-up duty, foreign workers stepped forward to help out.

Mr Singh says that foreign workers helped to get rid of the water that was seeping into the unit below.

Image: Giphy

Some Eunos residents also reached out to offer help to the affected family, he revealed.

You can read his full post below:

Not The First Time Foreign Workers Stepped Up

Because of the Circuit Breaker, a lot of town councils found themselves lacking the manpower to do the work needed around the estate, such as trimming the overgrown grass.

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