Miss Universe Host Steve Harvey Slammed for Asking Miss India to ‘Meow’ on Stage

Steve Harvey is no stranger to controversy. And by that I mean they’re practically a couple.

In 2017, Harvey came under fire for allegedly making racist jokes aimed at Asian men during a segment on his talk show.

But perhaps the most notable of his faux pas came in 2015 when he was the host of Miss Universe. At the end of the pageant, he crowned the wrong woman, making the entire world simultaneously squirm and cringe.

He also caused some confusion in the pageant in 2019, when he described a video package by referencing Miss Philippines when it was actually a clip about Miss Malaysia.

This time, it’s… uh, something very, very different.

Miss Universe Host Steve Harvey Slammed for Asking Miss India to ‘Meow’ on Stage

As you know, the contestants of Miss Universe are judged on their intellect and accomplishments as well as their beauty.

This is why they are asked about their work and accomplishments before the judges come to a decision.

Here are some of the questions that were asked:

  • How can women best handle body-shaming?
  • Given the ever-changing COVID situation, what is your opinion of mandating a universal vaccine passport?
  • Should tweets and social media comments form a person in their teenage years be held against them years later?
  • According to Global Citizen, 95% of the world’s countries are led by a male head of state. How would the world be different if more women were in charge?

Given that each candidate had 30 seconds to answer, it certainly wasn’t an easy task. The contestants were also asked about their accomplishments and work in another segment, but when it came to Miss India, Harnaaz Sandhu, host Steve Harvey asked a very different sort of question.

“I hear you do some pretty good animal impersonations. Yeah, they got that question, let’s hear your best one,” he said.

Ms Sandhu was visibly stunned, but took the question in her stride, saying, “Oh my god, Steve, I was not expecting to do this on world stage. Uh, but I have to do this, I have no other option. I love cats, I love animals, I would love to make a cat. Brace yourselves, everyone.”

She then proceeded to do her best cat impression:

Needless to say, netizens were not pleased, questioning why Ms Sandhu was the only contestant to get such a question.

Won Anyway

Despite meowing in front of the whole world, Ms Sandhu ended up winning the competition. 

Surprisingly, she didn’t seem too bothered by Harvey’s absurd question.

“I think everybody was in the moment and everyone enjoyed it, and that’s what really matters at the end of the day,” she told Insider. 

“I’m happy I was asked a fun question because, at the end of the day, it definitely gets so serious.”

With that kind of attitude, it’s not difficult to see how you can meow your way to a Miss Universe crown.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@hastroxky)

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