MOH: People on 5-Day MC Can Be Jailed If They Didn’t Wear a Mask When Going to Clinic For 2nd Visit

The series of new measures introduced by the authorities come in so fast and furious, an article we’ve written a few days back on all the measured being implemented have become outdated within days.

Because now, MOH has announced a new measure, and it involved people who are subjected to a “movement control measure”.

Who’s under a movement control measure, you ask.

These people are involved:

  • Anyone who has been issued with a 5-day MC due to respiratory illnesses
  • People serving their Stay-Home Notice
  • People are have been isolated in a hospital or another place due to COVID-19 (even for suspected cases)

In other words, technically speaking, this group of people can’t leave their house at all, if not they’d be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to six months.

And no, they can’t even leave the house to buy food.

If you spot any of your friends who belongs to this group and still anyhowly go out to a hawker centre to have a bowl of Bak Kut Teh, you can report him or her via this link or call 6812 5555

For people under Stay-Home Notice, if they require medical attention, they should call 995 for emergency or contact the People’s Association (PA) at 6344 8222 for non-emergency medical attention.

So no matter what happens, they’d have to stay put in where they are.

However, for people who’ve been given a 5-day MC, they can leave the house only to seek treatment at the same GP.

And here’s where the new measure comes into play.

If you’re still on the 5-day MC and need to go to the clinic, you must wear a mask.

If you don’t, you’ll be liable to a fine of up to $10,000 or jailed up to six months.

Wear a Mask Even When You’re at Home

When you have the 5-day MC, it’s also recommended that you wear a mask whenever possible, and avoid the elderly at all cost.

In addition, you should keep a safe distance from people in your household.

And please, don’t makan together. Now’s not the time for those dinner chats.

In the meantime, with so many new measures being implemented every day, you might want to bookmark the MOH website here or subscribe to the Government’s WhatsApp channel here.

For the healthy folks, just do your best and keep a safe distance from everyone.

Now’s the best time for you to experience how it’s like to be an introvert.

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