When it comes to detecting and containing the Covid-19 virus, Singapore is acknowledged as number one in the world.
So when the Ministry of Health (MOH) heard that a religious event in Malaysia led to a confirmed Covid-19 case?
You bet they’re going to check if there are any consequences for Singapore.
MOH Now Identifying 95 S’poreans Who Attended The Conference
On 12 Mar 2020, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli shared his concerns about the current Covid-19 situation in Singapore on Facebook.
He mentioned that there were several Covid-19 cases confirmed in a mass religious gathering in Malaysia and said that there are 95 Singaporeans who have attended the event.
This was according to a board which detailed the number of visitors from foreign countries.

Right now, the Ministry of Health is trying to track and investigate the Singaporean attendees, he added.
The Event
The religious event took place in Malaysia from 27 Feb to 1 Mar at a mosque in Sri Petaling, Selangor.
It was estimated that about 10,000 people attended the event, and only 5,000 of them are Malaysians.
Which means about half of the attendees (if the estimation is correct) might have left for their home countries.

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Brunei’s First Covid-19 Case Attended The Event
According to The Star, Brunei’s first Covid-19 confirmed case attended the event with three other friends.
He did not show any symptoms before attending.
It was only when he reached back to Brunei that he started showing symptoms.
He was sent to the hospital where he tested positive for the coronavirus.
Since then, Brunei has reported five additional Covid-19 cases.
Please Get Yourself Checked If You’ve Attended The Event.
If you’ve attended the event, please get yourself checked out by the doctor. Or, if you know of someone who has attended, get them to do it.
Should you (or the person you know) be unwell, do make sure to isolate yourself as much as possible and see a doctor immediately.
Minister Masagos Zulkifli urge for the attendees to get themselves checked out as soon as possible for the safety of Singapore, their family members and friends.
In other words, please don’t be socially irresponsible, like our dear Health Minister was complaining about just the day before.