Mom Diagnosed With Breast Cancer During Pregnancy But Still Gives Birth To Healthy Baby

Molestation cases, deaths and suicides are rife in the news world.

But honestly, many good things still happen every day, like this:

Mom Diagnosed With Breast Cancer During Pregnancy; Still Gives Birth To Healthy Baby

When you see your Facebook feed being overcrowded with negative news, the world can feel like a negative place.

But this wasn’t the case for this lucky mother who didn’t start out quite as lucky.

A Malaysian mother, Aime Soon took to Facebook to share her experience with pregnancy and breast cancer.

The story was posted on Facebook page KL吹水站 and has since garnered more than 48,000 likes, 2,000 shares and 7,000 comments from Netizens.

Image: Facebook (@Aime Soon)

Diagnosed With Stage 3 Breast Cancer In Her Fifth Month Of Pregnancy

You’d think that finding out about a pregnancy is a joyous occasion, full of congratulations and baby showers. For Aime Soon, it was a period wherein she paid multiple visits to the hospital.

Aime was diagnosed with cancer five months into her pregnancy. She had realised that there was a hard lump in her breast. She was later told by the doctor that it was Stage 3 Breast Cancer which had already spread.

Worst still, Aime had struggled to conceive and had previously tried multiple times to get pregnant.

Unsurprisingly, it was a trying period for her.

Doctor Recommended Chemotherapy and Mastectomy

Image: Facebook (Aime Soon)

The doctor then encouraged her to do chemotherapy and mastectomy. This would increase the chances of survival for her and her baby. Hence, she did the procedures.

Lest you’re unaware, mastectomy is a surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast to treat or prevent breast cancer.

She lamented how while she was pregnant, she was also bald and had a “thin body” she also stated that people gave her strange looks and she wondered it it was from pity or if they thought she was strong.

She Gave Birth To Her Baby But Still Had To Continue Her Treatment After

She gave birth to the baby at 36 weeks, after completing two sessions of chemotherapy.

That said, she had to continue with the next part of her treatment, though she was worried about her baby’s well-being.

Also, unlike other moms who prepare confinement meals and hire confinement nannies, Aime had to go without confinement.

Fortunately for her, after completion of her treatment, the doctors found her health report ‘satisfactory’.

Her Advice To You

Image: Facebook (Aime Soon)

Well, look at the happy mum now.

While most of us may not understand the struggles she faced, she hopes that her story will bring positivity into your life no matter the setbacks you may face.

She says, “with a good attitude, accept the impermanence (of life) and courageously face life”.

What an inspiration to us all!

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