M’sia Just had the Highest Spike in COVID-19 Cases in a Day With 39 New Cases

As Covid-19 outbreak continues, there are cases reported every day all over the world.

And yesterday, our neighbour up north just had the highest spike in Covid-19 cases in a day.

Highest Spike in COVID-19 Cases in a Day in Malaysia

According to the Health Ministry, Malaysia has detected 39 new Covid-19 cases on Friday (13 March). This brought the overall positive cases in the country up to 197 cases.

All the patients were isolated for further treatment.

Health Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah stated in a statement that from the latest figure, 38 cases were detected from the Patient-Under-Investigation (PUI) infection, while the other case is from close contact.

This is believed to be the highest number of cases recorded in a day.

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In addition, four of the positive cases require breathing assistance and are being treated in the Intensive Care Unit.

Dr Noor Hisham posted a separate infographic in his Twitter account that stated some of the new cases are individuals from Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Penang, Perak, Laubuan, and Perlis.

This means the country now has 197 cases in total – just 3 less than Singapore.

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In response, the ministry is carrying out Covid-19 surveillance to identify whether a case is isolated or sporadic in the country. This is done through patients with influenza-like-illness (ILI) who have not travelled to countries affected by the coronavirus, or have been in contact with a Covid-19 case in Malaysia.

Similarly, Dr Noor Hisham also advised the public to maintain proper hygiene and avoid crowded places. It is also important to keep themselves updated with the latest Covid-19 news.

If you have friends or family members in Malaysia, remind them to keep up with their hygiene practices. It is best to encourage anyone with Covid-19 symptoms to get a screening as well.

Stay safe, everyone!

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