As my wedding date looms around the corner, I’m trying my best to find a reputable photographer to do my pre and actual day wedding photography.
I’m well aware that photography is no easy feat, and stinging in this area can lead to disastrous photos on what a lot of people regard as “the most important day of your life”….
While I don’t agree with that sentiment, I do agree that it’s worthwhile to spend a bit more so that you can rest easy on the big day.
If anything, what happened to this Malaysian couple has reaffirmed this:
M’sian Couple Paid $521 To Get Overexposed & Out Of Focus Wedding Photos
Noor Aisyah took to Facebook to share her experience with a wedding photographer.
At the very least, her wedding ceremony went smoothly and nothing out of the ordinary happened.
By the time her wedding was over, I bet she was excitedly waiting in anticipation for beautiful wedding photos she could keep as memories forever.
After all, weddings, especially your own, only come once.
To her horror, her photos were anything but spectacular. In fact, they were rather disastrous, even by my non-existent zero photography skills standard.
Noor Aisyah shared her lacklustre wedding photos on Facebook, complete with a sprinkle of sarcasm.

According to World Of Buzz, this particular message says, “Wow, are we that dark that it needed to be edited to this point. Both of us are filled with nur, Alhamdulilah. We’re almost invisible.”

The next photo shows a super off-centre picture. She then suggests that perhaps the photographer wanted to leave space to Photoshop other people in the photo, such as the make up artist.
All I can say is LOL.

“Apparently, blurred pictures have become the trend. Ours even had a little something extra with a cameo from the girl in the red tudung.”
Hmm, giving this photographer the benefit of the doubt, perhaps the camera had a faulty lens or something on the day.
Nevertheless, if that was truly the case, he should’ve informed the couple beforehand.
Received A Partial Refund
Noor Aisyah initially coughed up RM1,600 (~S$521) for the wedding photography services. According to The Rakyat Post, she was given a refund of RM600 (~S$200).
Honestly, if my wedding photos were already hopelessly taken, no amount of money could compensate for that.
What makes it worse is that Noor Aisyah only received the ‘edited’ photos a whole eight months after her wedding.

I’m wondering how they even had the face to pass her these photos. Hopefully, no future couples will face such a situation.