Netizen Claimed Her $9.50 Fish Soup from Kopitiam Only Had 4 Small Slices of Fish

We know inflation has been bad, and food prices are rising like nobody’s business.

But is it fair for hawkers to charge almost $10 for a dish which has a small portion?

One patron of a fish soup stall located in the Compass One Kopitiam found it outrageous for a $9.50 fish soup to have only four slices of fish.

Here is what the patron had to say.

Patron Laments Small Quantity of Fish in $9.50 Fish Soup

Earlier this week, on Thursday (27 July 2023), a Facebook user by the moniker of Sunny Lim posted on the group COMPLAINT SINGAPORE about her poor-value meal.

She had purchased a bowl of fish soup from 石斑王鱼汤 King Grouper Fish Soup stall at their Compass One Kopitiam branch.

The soup cost her $9.50, and she was charged $0.30 for the takeaway box.

The OP attached a photo of the recipe as proof of the price.

Image: Facebook (Sunny Lim)

In her post, the OP says there were only a “miserable 3.5-4 small slices of fish in the soup”, which cost nearly $10.

That was a massive disappointment as she had bought the soup for her father, who was recuperating after surgery.

The OP only realised the small quantity of ingredients when she reached home and gave the food to her dad again.

For those curious, here are some images of the fish soup that the OP posted.

In the image below, you can see about four slices of red grouper fish in the soup.

Image: Facebook (Sunny Lim)

This image shows some fish soup in the bowl, with the soup filling less than half the bowl.

Image: Facebook (Sunny Lim)

The last image shows that the soup is left with no ingredients after the fish slices are scooped out.

Image: Facebook (Sunny Lim)

We’re not sure about you, but it is pretty incredulous that the fish soup, which costs $9.50, is not chockful of ingredients.

We sure miss the days when fish soup costs less than $5.

To add insult to injury, the OP said that the standard of food had “dropped”. This could have been due to the stall’s rapid expansion with “more and more outlets, “making it difficult to maintain standards.

She shared that even the outlet at Changi Village was no longer as good as it used to be.

According to the OP, the cook who served her the bowl of food was “a young man who is rather tan”.

So if you are ever in the vicinity and craving some fish soup, it may be wise for your wallet to stay away from that stall if that cook is helming the kitchen.

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