When you become a celebrity, everything you do will be scrutinized.
Caught shopping at a flea market? Wow, she’s so rich yet she’s so cheap!
Caught shopping at a luxury clothing store? Who the heck buys such an expensive suit? So materialistic!
Unfortunately, your fans and critics will always have something to say about the things you do, even if it has nothing to do with them at all.
Netizens Slammed Angelababy After She Turned Down Role ‘Coz She Didn’t Want to Put on Weight
Chinese actress Angelababy has reportedly turned down a big role in La La Land director Damien Chazelle’s new movie, Babylon.
She made the decision based on her personal needs, but she forgot to do one very important thing: consult every single one of her fans before making this decision.
According to 8 Days, the 31-year-old was supposed to play Hollywood’s first Chinese-American movie star Anna May Wong in the film, a role which would have elevated her status as an actor.
However, after two months of negotiations, she decided to turn down the role for three reasons.
The first is that filming, which was supposed to take place in the US, was moved to Mexico because of the Covid-19 outbreak, reported Hong Kong media.
The change in location raised safety concerns for Angelababy, who was going to bring her three-year-old son.
Secondly, the actress had issues with the number of intimate scenes she would have to be a part of in the film.
And lastly, she reportedly had to put on weight for the film, something she wasn’t prepared to do.
These seem like valid reasons, right? Well, not according to netizens.
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“Must Put Craft Above Vanity”
For some inexplicable reason, some netizens were upset with Angelababy for rejecting the role because she didn’t want to put on weight.
One netizen said: “As an actress, you have to put your craft above your vanity. If this is true, she’s not an actress and just a pretty face,”.
Other netizens have raised their concerns about her claims as well, reported 8 Days.
I’m not sure why netizens feel that they have the right to question her career choices, no matter how much they disagree with them.
Even if she turned down the role for the most trivial reason, like not wanting to wear a pink pair of shoes, it’s her decision, isn’t it?
Plus, many actors and actresses wouldn’t want to put on weight for a role. Not everyone is Christian Bale, you know.

Some netizens defended her decision:
“Angelababy might be the type of person who doesn’t put on weight easily. Even after she gave birth, she looked about the same as she did before she got pregnant. If she has trouble putting on weight, it would be detrimental for everyone if she had signed on to the project knowing that she would be unable to fulfill the requirements of the role.”
It’s great that some people defending her, but why do we feel like we own these celebrities?
Sure, they have cushy, luxurious lives, but they’re still human beings.
Imagine someone following you around in a supermarket, criticising you because the tomatoes you bought weren’t red enough.
It’d be pretty annoying, right? Well, that’s probably how some celebrities feel.
Who cares why she turned down the role? It was hers to turn down.
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