As a huge chunk of the human population languishes behind closed doors in light of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, three ‘issues’ have become the main talking points amidst this so-called ‘Crisis’ period:
- The number of Covid-19 cases in the world/ one’s country
- Kim Jong Un’s ill, ‘possibly vegetative’ condition post-surgery, and his assumed successor to the throne, which could be his sister Kim Jo-Yong
- Show Luo’s infidelity
Lest you’re unaware, this article will be going with the third bullet point, under which a certain familiar ‘third-party’ has come under fire in the ongoing Show Luo saga. Though this time around…
It’s a little more subjective than the original topic at hand.
It All Started With The Verdict Of A Psychiatrist
Grace Chow might’ve earned an entire “support” army after exposing her ex-boyfriend Show Luo for what he really is, but from the tentative looks of it…
It seems that not everyone’s a fan of her actions, celebrities included.
On 24 April, Taiwanese psychiatrist Teng Hui Wen got the ball rolling with a lengthy Facebook post that appeared to denounce Grace’s actions.
“Celebs have a strong influence on children,” Hui Wen wrote. “The media shouldn’t be too eager in talking about how terrible some men are, or how woke women are so strong. Please think about how children aren’t just reading the gossip, and they’re seeing the attacks that one can make on an ex-lover through the Internet.”
The celebrity psychiatrist then stated that children might be influenced into thinking that public opinion can be turned “into a weapon”.
“[They might think, ‘What if I write an essay to let everyone know what [my ex’s] true colours are?’ Public opinion can be used for good, but it can also turn into a weapon for those with a grudge,” she continued, “I urge parents to talk to their children as we don’t want our children to think that using public opinion against an ex is the best way to deal [with a breakup]. Please have a discussion with your kids teaching them the difference between exposing someone’s bad deeds, and [posting something] because of a personal grudge.”
She then advocated for those in similar situations as Grace to abstain from public posting, and instead settle for a breakup because it’s the “right thing to do”.
“If your lover raped someone, deceived [you] or went against the law, you should report it to the police as long as it’s safe for you to do so. Don’t spread it on the Internet. Getting your emotions betrayed is one thing [and] breaking up is the right thing to do if you have different values, or if they betrayed your loyalty. But you shouldn’t be subjecting [him] to being judged by those on the internet.”

Netizens Triggered After S.H.E’s Hebe Seemed to Support Show Luo on Facebook
Considering how fervent Grace Chow’s supporters have proved themselves to be, it’s perhaps to nobody’s surprise that Hui Wen’s post has since been taken down.
Though admittedly…
It’s a little unnerving how Hui Wen’s Facebook page has been taken down as well.
However, what’s genuinely surprising is that prior to Teng’s ‘surrender’, another well-known celebrity had reposted the psychiatrist’s sentiments on her own Facebook page with the added hashtag #MyThoughtsExactly.
And to eke up the surprise meter even more, the celebrity in question is none other than Hebe Tien, a singer known more for her angelic vocals and sweet demeanor than social media actions that suggest ‘insensitivity’.

Yet, despite Hebe’s legendary status in the country, it didn’t take long for Grace’s fanarmy to tear her to shreds for supposedly taking Show’s side and for being “insensitive to Grace’s pain”.
The singer has since deleted her post, and has also clarified her actions on both Weibo and Facebook:
“How can someone who has been hurt in a relationship in the past not emphasise with those who are hurting?” Hebe wrote. “When your friends get hurt, they have sisters who will stand up for them and fight to right the injustices that they’ve suffered. However, they also need sisters who can provide an alternative perspective to the situation and calm their impulsive thoughts.
“I shared a piece that had a good analysis of how the Internet [should be used] because I hoped for a better environment. I apologise if my doing so ended up creating the opposite effect. I’m also sorry to have caused more negativity. The person who needs to be reminded on how to be prudent on the Internet is me. Everyone deserves to be cherished. Honest and brave people are able to welcome love [into their lives] again. I hope that all of us will be cherished.”
But netizens didn’t seem to be swayed by her apology.
“Grace Chow shared the terrible things that happened to her because she didn’t want other girls to become future victims. If you really don’t want children to read about such things, you should be blaming the person who did all these terrible things instead,” one netizen said.
Another was more forthcoming.
“Get lost. You’re trash too.”
Well, it looks like Hebe has her work cut out if she wants to proceed on the fabled road to forgiveness.
Though at the same time…
One can’t help but fear the power of Grace’s fanarmy, an unofficial organisation that has already crippled a celebrity psychiatrist and humbled an all-time celebrity.
And if there’s anything for sure;
It’s that Show Luo really messed with the wrong girl.