New Cluster Detected At Jurong SAFRA Restaurant With Links to 8 Existing Cases; Restaurant Has Responded

The COVID-19 situation in Singapore isn’t easing up. In fact, each day has brought about the revelation of even more confirmed cases.

Although it needs to be said that the authorities have told us to be prepared for that to happen.

Luckily, it seems that at the very least most Singaporeans have shaken off the unhealthy habit of hoarding zombie apocalypse essentials like toilet rolls and instant noodles.

Also, another cluster has successfully been identified (better to know where it came through source tracking from than not at all right):

New Cluster Detected At Jurong SAFRA Private Dinner With Links to 8 Existing Cases, The Restaurant Has Responded

The Ministry of Health announced that there are five new confirmed cases of the coronavirus on 5 March and a brand new cluster.

In total, eight confirmed cases have been linked to this new cluster which was a dinner event located at the Joy Garden Restaurant at SAFRA Jurong on Boon Lay Way.

4 New Cases Linked To Cluster at SAFRA Jurong

Out of the five new cases that were announced on 5 March, four have been linked to the dinner which took place on 15 February, cases 114, 115, 116 and 117.

All of these individuals have no recent travel history to any of the heavily affected countries and regions.

However, it is not clear if these cases, or if all eight cases linked to the cluster even attended the dinner function.

Neither SAFRA or MOH revealed how many of the eight confirmed cases visited the restaurant on that day.

SAFRA Says They Cleared Entrance Temperature Checks

SAFRA announced in a statement on Thursday evening that those who were confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 had cleared the compulsory temperature checks conducted at the club’s entrance.

SAFRA also confirmed that they did not show any flu-like symptoms on that fateful day.

They had also declared that they did not visit Mainland China in the past 14 days.

Joy Garden Closed For Cleaning From 16-19 February and 5 March

Besides cooperating with MOH and providing details of the attendees to ease contact tracing, Joy Garden Restaurant has also been closed for cleaning from 16 February to 19 February after the dinner function as “hygiene practice”.

As a precautionary measure, “all other possible areas which might have been visited by the affected individuals” were sanitized again on 5 March.

In other words, even if you’ve been to the restaurant between 15 Feb and now, don’t have to worry too much lah.

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Lest you’ve forgotten, Cases 114 and 115 are family members. Case 114 is a 62-year-old male Singapore Citizen while Case 115 is a 62-year-old female Singapore citizen.

Case 114 reported onset of symptoms on 28 February and received treatment at a general practitioner (GP) clinic on 29 February.

He was brought to the emergency department at NUH on 3 March. It was later confirmed that he was down with the COVID-19 on 4 March.

Case 115 was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 on 5 March.

They were promptly warded at the National University Hospital (NUH) in isolation rooms.

Before Case 114 was admitted to the hospital, he spent most of his time staying at his home located in the Westwood Avenue area.

Situation In Singapore

In total, there are now a total of 117 confirmed cases here in Singapore. 81 patients have recovered and have been discharged from the hospital.

However, 7 are still in ICU. The good news is that the conditions of the remaining 29 patients are stable or improving.

Below are the local clusters that have been identified:

  • Grace Assembly of God + The Life Church and Missions Singapore = 29 cases
  • Wizlearn Technologies = 14 cases
  • SAFRA private dinner = 8 cases
  • Yong Thai Hang shop = 9 cases
  • Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site = 5 cases
  • Grand Hyatt Singapore = 3 cases (more overseas)

S’pore Health Minister Asks S’poreans To Be Mentally Prepared For COVID-19 To Be “Long-Term”

Be prepared to see “COVID-19” updates on the news for a while.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong has whipped out his fortune-telling ball and speculated that COVID-19 might be around “for a long time”.co



Also, the number of confirmed cases might increase.

He mentioned previously that no matter how tip-top Singapore’s health system is, as long as the rest of the world can’t contain COVID-19, the virus will continue to be imported into Singapore.

But wait a minute, there’s no reason to tell your ah ma to wipe out all the toilet rolls at NTUC, okay.

Just exercise proper personal hygiene, try and cheat your boss into letting you work from home (optional) and you’ll be just fine.

After all, H1N1 was worse and we’ve pulled through to be troubled by Covid-19 now, haven’t we?


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