No Warnings or Fines Given for Safe-Distancing Offences to Businesses So Far

Do you know that if you purposely sit too close to someone, you could now be fined up to $10,000 or jailed up to six months?

Yes, scary but necessary so that all our grandparents can survive this COVID-19 outbreak.

So you’d have thought that by now, while our healthcare capacity is healthy, our prison system is overwhelmed because we’re just so bad at being human beings.

Well, no.

No Warnings or Fines Given for Safe-Distancing Offences to Businesses So Far

More than one day has passed since Singapore became a different world together, and we’re not seeing people being handcuffed into police cars for standing too near to another person.

That’s because so far, there’s been no warnings or fines given for safe-distancing offence.

At least for businesses.

It’s unknown whether we human beings have decided to finally be a decent human being after all, or no one’s leaving their house at all.

Nevertheless, according to a joint statement by Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Food Authority, various Government agencies have been sending out personnel to ensure that businesses implement and comply with the safe-distancing measures.

In Enterprise Singapore’s case, they’ve even sent out Safe Distancing Ambassadors to malls, shops and F&B establishment.

They’d check if the premises is “up to make”, and if it’s not, businesses would be given 1 to 2 days to comply with the new measures and another check would be conducted.

Now you know why there’s certainly a tape everywhere you go.

Many Chances for Businesses

Before the businesses could be charged, they’ll then send a warning letter and then conduct a third visit.

If the business still die die doesn’t ensure that there are tapes to ensure a 1-m distance, then they’ll be charged.

So far, no warnings have been given, but it’s still the first day lah.

How About for Individuals?

As for us people, it’s unclear if any warnings have been issued.

But if businesses are there to ensure people don’t anyhowly seat or queue, then it’d be hard for us to break the rules.

And also, the WhatsApp message of Safe-Distancing Ambassador fining someone on the spot for breaking the rules is fake.

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