Everyone knows Food King for their food recommendations islandwide at all price points, and also for the laughs and banter.
After the whole Ryan-Sylvia saga, the series is back… minus all the things that made it iconic.
Interview-Style, Not Focusing on Food Recommendations
Instead of recommending specific food or stalls, this rebranded Food King seems to focus more on the stories behind a place.
The new video posted on 22 June explores the stories behind Singapore’s most popular gay bar, Tantric. Under the label of “Food King Uncovers”, the video was in an interview format.
There were questions displayed on the screen, and regular customer Isaac Tng responded in turn, talking about his experiences and stories of this bar.
With questions like “what’s the most scandalous thing you’ve seen at Tantric?” and “what makes Tantric different from other gay bars?”, the video barely talks about the food at all, choosing to focus on the stories Isaac has to share.
If the video barely mentions the food, can it really be called an episode of Food King?
You can watch the video below:

Food King’s Old Stickers Replaced With New Ones
Earlier on in the year, Food King posted a TikTok showing staff covering up the old Food King sticker with a new one at various stalls.
Back then, we questioned whether NOC will be able to keep up Food King’s trademark humour with so many of their key players gone. It turns out that they… probably can’t, so they’ve decided to take Food King in a new direction.
As of the time of writing, the video has 5,714 views and 102 likes, which is a far cry from the massive success that was the old Food King. Only time will tell whether NOC will make a true comeback, or fade into obscurity as many cancelled YouTubers and influencers do.
Featured Image: YouTube (Night Owl Cinematics)