While parking fees in Singapore might not be cheap, there’s one way to “save” on parking fees when you drive your car out.
By parking near areas with private properties since they don’t have any car park barriers or parking lots that are marked out.
However, it seems like a resident living along Chuan Walk at Lorong Chuan has had enough of drivers who try to park their cars outside the rows of private houses for free.
Recently, a lady who parked her car along that road ended up receiving a note on her car’s windshield after she returned to collect her car at the end of the day.
Here’s what happened.
Car Owner Found Note on Car After Parking Outside Landed Property
Recently, a lady complained that a resident living along Chuan Walk had left a note on her car when she returned to retrieve her car from the area at the end of the day.
According to the photo uploaded, the handwritten note read, “You don’t belong [to] this neighbourhood. Please remove your car.”

According to her, she had parked her car along the stretch of private houses from 29 January to 1 February.
She added that she only chose to park her car there temporarily as she was staying with her mother at the nearby Housing Development Board (HDB) estate since her husband had gone overseas for a work trip.
By Right, Can Park (But By Left…)
According to reporters from Shin Min Daily News who went down to the area, there were no indications (such as the double yellow line) that showed that cars are not allowed to be parked along that particular stretch of road.
Other notices, such as those that ban parking in the area or informing car owners that they will be charged for parking, were also absent.
So, by right, the woman technically didn’t do anything wrong by parking her car there.
(But… By left…)
The only signs regarding parking were two signs put up by the National Environment Agency (NEA).
The signs reminded residents not to park their cars along the road on Wednesday and Friday mornings as the roads will be cleaned during that time.
Residents’ Reactions
When speaking to Shin Min, a male resident who has been living in the area for over a decade pointed out that many non-residents have parked their cars along Chuan Walk as it is more convenient for them.
He added that this behaviour began over half a year ago. Based on his observations, around three to five cars would drive into the neighbourhood separately every evening.
According to him, the cars only drive off the following morning.
The resident, who declined to be named, brought up how many houses in the area have three generations of family members living under the same roof and that these families often own more than one car.
He said that the high number of cars, coupled with the narrow roads in the neighbourhood, may result in a shortage of parking spots.
The resident added that many residents in the area are aware that there are insufficient parking spots in the area. However, they are still affected sometimes when they want to exit their homes as cars that belong to members of the public might block the gates of their houses.
Another resident named Glenn responded by claiming that he had noticed a lady who parks her car in the area every morning before walking to the nearby bus stop to take the bus.
Car Owner’s Reaction
As for how those who park their cars along the roads feel about their actions, one car owner shared with Shin Min that he parks his car in the area at least twice a week.
He explained that his mother-in-law’s house is only one street away from the area and that parking there is much more convenient for him.
The owner, who declined to be named, pointed out that the roads outside the private properties are for public use. As long as he abides by the traffic rules, he believes that he should be allowed to park his car along the roads.
Resident Feels Like the Person Who Left the Note is “Giving the Neighbourhood a Bad Rep”
Regarding the hostile note left on the lady’s car, Glenn said that the person who left it was rude and “gave the neighbourhood a bad reputation”.
Even though he does not know who left the note, he revealed that all of the residents in the neighbourhood are actually very friendly.
He added that he has heard of instances in other neighbourhoods where individuals try to “chope” parking spots with items such as rubbish bins, but such events have never happened in his neighbourhood.
Glenn also expressed that he was ashamed on behalf of the person who wrote the note due to its content.
However, other residents also mentioned that once cars are parked along the roads, they become extremely narrow.
Hence, bus and lorry drivers have been inconvenienced when they try to drive through the area.
Featured Image: The Internet