NTU Foreign Student Breaches Stay-Home-Notice, Lies About Movements To Authorities

During this critical period where the spread of the COVID-19 infection is rampant, it’s important for everyone to play their part.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like this Wuhan university student who responsibly decided to self-quarantined in his family’s garage for two weeks so that he didn’t infect anyone else.

NTU Foreign Student Breached His 14-Day Stay-Home Notice

A foreign postgraduate student from Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) National Institute of Education (NIE) was found to have breached his 14-day stay-home notice.

And if you think that’s bad already, wait till you hear the next part.

According to a Ministry of Education (MOE) representative, he also repeatedly gave false information to the institute as well as the NIE Board of Discipline regarding his travel movements.

Image: Giphy

Unfortunately, no reason was stated as to why he did what he did.

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Expelled From Course & Student Pass Terminated

So what was his punishment?

Well, he has been expelled from his postgraduate course with NIE and his student pass will be terminated.

Yes, that’s how important Stay-Home-Notices are.

An NTU representative said, “In view of the recent surge in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide, it is imperative that all students issued with Stay-Home-Notice comply strictly with its requirements to limit the risk from potential imported cases and to safeguard our community.”

Singapore residents and long-term pass holders who have a recent travel history to mainland China, Iran, northern Italy, and South Korea are asked to serve a Stay-Home Notice and remain in their place of residence at all times for 14 days after returning to Singapore.

MOE urged all students who are served with a Leave of Absence or Stay-Home Notice to adhere to the requirements.

The MOE representative also added, “Students who are found to have breached their Leave of Absence of Stay-Home Notice will be subject to disciplinary actions from their schools and institutions.”

One may be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act if they are found to have breached the Stay-Home Notice.

Permanent Residents, Dependent Pass or Student Pass holders may also have their Re-Entry Permit, DP, or STP revoked or shortened.

NTU Foreign Student Not The Only One; NUS Foreign Student Also Breached Stay-Home Notice

This NTU foreign student getting expelled is not the first case in Singapore.

In fact, on Sunday, a foreign exchange student at the National University of Singapore (NUS) also breached her 14-day Leave of Absence, which she was placed on before the Stay-Home Notices were put into effect.

She also made a false travel declaration, and as a result, she was officially reprimanded and she had her exchange programme terminated.

An official report was also sent to her university to inform them about the incident, and she was subsequently sent back home.

There’s a reason why the 14-day Leave of Absence and Stay-Home Notice are issued, and for the safety of everyone else, please do not breach it. You might be endangering the lives of others as well.

I Repeat: Everyone Should Play Their Part

Even as Singapore has managed to control the COVID-19 situation really well, the authorities are preparing us for the second round of onslaught from the coronavirus.

They’ve said that COVID-19 deaths are “inevitable”.

That COVID-19 cases are bound to rise.

And that they are looking to increase the measures taken against the coronavirus.

Yet we all know that without each and every Singaporean doing their part:

COVID-19 will never disappear from Singapore, no matter what the authorities put into place.

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