NTUC FairPrice Imposed Purchase Limit on Daily Essentials Again Since This Morning (17 March)

When the DORSCON level was raised to Orange, people started wiping out supermarkets all across the nation.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

In response, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing said that this wasn’t necessary because “there is no risk of us running a shortage of essential food or household items.”

And Singaporeans, like a kid who was caught stealing, silently promised not to panic again. Because panicking solves absolutely nothing, right?

But then Malaysia announced a lockdown and Singaporeans started… yes you guessed it – panic buying again.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

Now, FairPrice has had enough of this bulls**t.

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NTUC FairPrice Imposes New Purchase Limit After M’sia Lockdown

NTUC FairPrice has imposed purchase limits on several essential goods as a result of all the panic buying that occurred after Malaysia announced a lockdown.

A sign has been placed outside stores on 17 March, announcing that FairPrice is limiting the amount of daily essentials each customer can buy.

Image: Mothership

The sign stated that daily essentials remain available, and urged shoppers to “buy only what they need and not to stockpile”.

Now, when a goddamn grocery store is teaching you how to be a good, considerate human being, you know you have problems.

Purchase limits

According to Mothership, there are now purchase limits on the following items:

  • Paper products (toilet paper, facial tissues, kitchen towels): four units per customer
  • Instant noodles and pasta: two units per customer
  • Rice: two bags per customer
  • Eggs: three trays of 10 eggs, or one tray of 30 eggs per customer
  • Vegetables: S$30 per customer
  • Fresh poultry: S$30 per customer

These purchase limits were implemented to ensure that as many customers have access to these items as possible.

FairPrice previously imposed purchase limits on rice, instant noodles, vegetables, and paper products on 8 Feb after the first wave of panic buying.

Image: CNA Reader

But now, these purchase limits include eggs and fresh poultry, two products which are imported from Malaysia.

“Not facing any shortages”

In response to the Malaysian lockdown, Minister Chan urged Singaporeans not to panic buy and stockpile, because there is no danger of running out of food or other supplies.

“Although we are not facing any shortages, I urge everyone to continue to purchase in a responsible manner and to purchase only what you need. Otherwise, no amount of stockpiling will be sufficient.”

Plus, it’s been confirmed that despite the lockdown, the flow of food and other supplies between Singapore and Malaysia will still continue.

So please, buy only what you need. If you’re worried, just look at Singapore’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak. If this country is one thing, it’s prepared. 

Just be considerate and, most importantly, don’t panic.

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