NTUC FairPrice Now Limits Number Of People in Stores & Urges Shoppers to Wear Masks

I went to an NTUC FairPrice outlet today, and had to make a life-changing decision prior to leaving my house:

Should I or should I not wear a mask?

After looking at myself in the mirror with and without a mask, I decided to do my grocery shopping with a mask on.

But starting from now (or a few days later lah since I bought quite a number of stuff today), I won’t need to make that difficult decision anymore.

Because the red and blue giant has spoken.

NTUC FairPrice Now Limits Number Of People in Stores & Urges Shoppers to Wear Masks

NTUC FairPrice now urges everyone to wear a mask when you’re deciding whether to buy a Korean cup noodles or a Japan cup noodles in the supermarket.

Its CEO, Seah Kian Peng, said, “The rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 situation means that we have to be nimble and adapt promptly to the latest developments.

“Wearing a mask complements safe distancing measures, provides some basic protection and also protects others should one be infected but unaware.

“We remind and also thank customers for acting responsibly to ensure the safety of all shoppers. Let’s do our part together to prevent the spread of Covid-19.”

Lest you’re wondering why there’s been such a drastic U-turn in the authorities’ stand on masks, here’s why:

Asymptomatic Transmission

There’s increasing evidence that people can transmit Covid-19 to others before they experience symptoms (presymptomatic) or even when they don’t experience symptoms at all (asymptomatic).

A recent study in Singapore, for example, showed that at least 10 people got the coronavirus from those without symptoms.

But other than a suggestion to protect others and to make you look better when you’re grocery shopping, NTUC FairPrice is also implementing a new measure.

Limit on Number of Shoppers in a Store

Just like wet markets, NTUC FairPrice is also going to limit the number of customers in a store when necessary.

If needed, staff would be there to direct customers in and out of the store.

But of course, do note that it’s only when necessary. There’s no need to hoard.

Reader Bao: I can’t hoard as well since there’s a purchase limit


When I was in an outlet this afternoon, everything is orderly and it’s not crowded. Shelves are still full of items and most people wear a mask.

So, third day of Circuit Breaker and everything’s all good despite the new measures that might be imposed.

According to the numbers from New Zealand, it’s only on the 11th day that we’d see the results, so let’s just tahan for 8 more days and cheer at the results.

Reader Bao: You’re just hoping that the results are goody so that there’s a chance that the CB period can end earlier, right?

You don’t CB. But you’re right.

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