NUS & NTU Started Measures to Allow Students to Study at Home Due to Wuhan Virus Outbreak

At a time when everything we read in the newspapers has been pretty dreary given the current Wuhan virus situation, this piece of news will likely perk you up. (If you are an NUS or NTU Student that is.)

Just recently, another seven new confirmed cases were announced bringing the total number of cases in Singapore to 40.

But it’s not all bad news:

NUS & NTU Started Measures to Allow Students to Study at Home Due to Wuhan Virus Outbreak

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has announced that E-learning will be implemented for all classes that contain more than 50 students.

It was uploaded in a circular on its website on Saturday.

“Students should contact their respective course instructors directly about the e-learning arrangements for their affected classes,” said the circular, signed by senior vice president Professor Yong Kwet Yew.

However, students who belong in class sizes of 50 and below will still be required to go for classes.

Temperature checks will also be mandatory before the class starts for the first couple of days.

This is not the only measure that has been implemented by NUS.

No Events Or Activities Involving Over 50 People

Besides the implementation of the e-learning, all events and activities on NUS campuses that involves over 50 participants are to be cancelled or postponed until further notice.

“Under DORSCON Orange, the virus is severe and spreads easily from person to person, However, there is no widespread transmission in Singapore and the virus is being contained,” said Professor Yong.

“The University has ramped up precautionary measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community.”

All NUS staff and students will also be required to take their temperature twice a day and declare them in an online system.

They will also need to display their staff or student cards at all times on campus starting from Monday.

As for NTU students, similar announcements were received on Thursday after instructions were given to schools to make alternative arrangements for large lectures such as through live streaming.

The current DORSCON as of Friday is now orange, which means that the virus is deemed severe and spreads easily from person to person.

However, it has not been spread widely and is being contained. Moderate disruption is expected due to the implementation of measures such as quarantine and visitor restrictions at hospitals.

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