Back in the days when there weren’t Instagram or TikTok to kill time, young punks would do the damndest things.
They’d organise chalets and while at the chalets, they would explore haunted places.
Because why not, right?
Nowadays, YPs appear to have other hobbies like smashing people with their e-scooters or dancing in front of a smartphone.
It seems like the old hobbies of the previous YPs are still pretty sought-after.
Over 550 People on Waitlist for Night Walk Event in Old Changi Hospital
Old Changi Hospital is one of the most popular night walk spots in Singapore.
In fact, I’d admit that I’ve been there at least twice at night when it wasn’t fenced up. On both occasions, there appeared to be more humans than spirits around; crowds of people were lingering outside the hospital, and a few brave ones would then enter the supposedly haunted building.
Both times I was there, I didn’t see anything paranormal, but there was a certain scent in some rooms which all my friends smelled as well.
But other than that, it wasn’t as creepy as it seemed to be, compared to other haunted places like the Red House.
Nevertheless, a meetup event, organised by group ExplorerSG, has just organised a night walk there.
The group “host free hikes around Singapore where we explore some of the lesser-known places in this Little Red Dot,” and this event is a Halloween Special and will take place on 17 October 2020.
According to the event page, the attendees won’t be entering the hospital; instead, it’d just be a one-hour visit on the entrances of the hospital.

The journey would be 5km and will take about 1.5 hours.
Moreover, it starts from 7pm to 8:30pm, so you might spot more social distancing officers than spirits.
The number of attendees is 10 (not sure why it shouldn’t be 5), and this event is grossly oversubscribed because as of time of writing, there are 564 people on the waitlist.

And in a Facebook event page that serves to provide more details, there are 5.1k interested people and “615 going”, though the Facebook Group specifically said, “PLEASE DO NOT TURN UP IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE ‘GOING’ LIST ON THE MEETUP PAGE.”
Let’s just say that uncles like me really miss the good old days when we walked into a haunted place and then cried out loud when we heard something unusual.
Another Walk Also Oversubscribed
In another event organised by the same organisers, it was oversubscribed, too: a “Abandoned Istana Woodneuk Mansion & Singapore Botanic Gardens Heritage Walk” that’ll take place on 3 October 2020.
This doesn’t occur at night, though Istana Woodneuk Mansion is also one of the most haunted places in Singapore, though people aren’t allowed to enter it.
For this event that can hold 10 attendants, 168 people are on the waitlist.
What is MeetUp?
By now, you should be asking: What’s MeetUp?
It’s actually a rather established platform for people to organise events online. Launched in 2002 (when Facebook wasn’t even launched), it’s akin to Facebook groups minus the social media aspects.
Interestingly enough, the company was acquired by WeWork in 2017, but is now owned by AlleyCorp.