Passers-By Sought Help from Police After Boy in Diapers Spotted Alone at Woodlands Mart

Children wandering around alone in public might garner a few glances, but a child doing so half-naked is surely enough to ring warning bells.

So when passersby spotted a young boy sitting alone at night, wearing only a diaper, they immediately found it strange.

Boy Spotted Wearing Only Diapers at Woodlands

On Tuesday (19 Apr) at about 9pm, a young boy was seen wandering about alone near Woodlands Mart.

What made the situation even weirder was his attire, or rather, lack of one.

The boy, who was about five or six years old, was clad in nothing but a diaper and a pair of slippers.

A couple who was nearby and had spotted him then approached Ms Zhang who operates a mobile phone shop in the mall, asking if the boy was her son.

Tried to Locate Parents

According to Shin Min Daily News, the young boy was seen sitting on a yellow kiddie ride machine and appeared to be in a daze.

The couple then followed him around, trying to help him find his family.

However, even after 45 minutes, they were unable to locate the boy’s family.

They had also attempted to communicate with the boy, even speaking in various languages, but he kept shaking his head and did not speak, said Ms Zhang.

Called the Police for Help

Eventually, other shopkeepers were alerted to the situation and they decided to seek help from the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, Ms Zhang said she went home to grab some clothes for the boy to wear.

Meanwhile, the officers searched around and asked if anyone recognised the boy.

However, they were also unable to find any leads, and the boy was finally brought away with them.

It still remains unclear as to why the boy was out roaming the streets alone, especially in his attire. Fortunately, he was found and assisted by kind-hearted passersby.

Featured Image: Facebook (Shin Min Daily News)

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