When there’s a pandemic in Singapore, only one man can save the day.
Yes, our favourite contractor who’s undoubtedly the best in Singapore and JB but still has some people to impress in Batam, is our go-to superhero when there is a deadly virus spreading across the country.
When SARS broke out in 2003, Phua Chu Kang released this rap:
No one remembers much about the SARS outbreak, but this rap will stay in our hearts forever.
And now, we have the Covid-19 pandemic. People panicked just as much as they did back then, so the authorities knew they had to bring Singapore’s favourite contractor back for another humorous video:
Yes, it was funny and informative, but something was missing…
Well, if you’re a fan of Phua Chua Kang’s musical works of art in the past, fret not; you don’t have to wait till the next pandemic to hear his latest hit.
He’s back, and this time, he’s tackling the annoying Singaporean trait of hoarding.
Phua Chu Kang Back With A Covid-19 Song For Hoarders in S’pore
As you know, people all over the world have been panic buying at various points during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite various warnings from the government, Singaporeans continued to panic buy, so FairPrice had to place a limit on purchases.
But if you’re still convinced that you need to stock up on toilet paper and soya sauce, just have a listen to Phua Chu Kang. Maybe he can change your mind.
Warning: The following song is extremely catchy and will likely be stuck in your head for the next few days.
Phua Chua Kang has some advice for all Singaporeans, so we should use our brain and listen up:
Don’t share fake information

We’ve all received messages on WhatsApp with unsubstantiated miracle cures and remedies for Covid-19. Always check the source before you share such messages.
Don’t panic buy

As Phua Chu Kang says, Don’t be kiasu!
There are enough supplies for everyone in the country if we just buy what we need. Hoarding large amounts of any item is inconsiderate and unnecessary.
Be nice to healthcare workers

You’ve probably heard or witnessed instances of Singaporeans shunning healthcare workers in public because they’re viewed as diseased creatures.
But these workers are the ones who are risking infection every day to treat sick patients and nurse them back to health.
Show them some love, Phua Chu Kang says, because they deserve it.
“Things different already but Singapore be steady”
There’s a catchphrase you’ll hear a lot in this song; “things different already but Singapore be steady”.
What this eloquent expression means is that while things are different, uncertain, and even scary at the moment, there’s no need to panic; if we all take the necessary precautions and follow the government’s advice, the situation will not spiral out of our control.
Just practise social distancing, maintain good hygiene, and see a doctor if you’re unwell.
And, most importantly, as a Singaporean philosopher once said: use your brain, use your brain.