We’ve all been told not to use our phones while driving.
Getting distracted and taking your eyes away from the road for even a split second can lead to dire consequences.
Mobile phone usage while driving is one of the leading causes of vehicle crashes in the past two decades. So I’m sure that can tell you exactly how dangerous it is.
But, it seems like some people think they’re so good at multitasking that they choose to ignore these warnings.
Man Spotted Using His Phone & Smoking While Driving
Okay, using your phone while driving is already bad enough.
But, using your phone and smoking? This guy must be really brave to risk his life like that.
A video of a man talking to someone on the phone, and flicking his cigarette out of the window while driving was posted on the SG Road Vigilante – SGRV Facebook group page.
Wait…so one hand was on his phone and the other hand was holding the cigarette. So which hand was driving?

The video is believed to have been taken last Sunday, on 23 Mar.
The post has received 195 likes and over 200 shares, with netizens also being quick to slam the guy in the comment section.

However, there was also a comment pointing out that perhaps the man should not be receiving so much criticism, as he did nothing wrong by holding the cigarette while driving.
“When he finishes smoking, he will extinguish the cigarette butt in his car’s ashtray, then empty the litter at the nearest bin he can find when he next parks his car. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that,” said someone in the comments section.
Other netizens replied to his comment, saying that the main problem was the fact that the driver was holding something else in both hands, which made his driving very dangerous.
Someone else also pointed out that smoking in a car is, in fact, counted as an offence if all the windows of the car are not fully wound up.

Illegal To Hold A Mobile Phone While Driving
According to the Road Traffic Act, it is illegal to hold any type of mobile device while driving.
First-time offenders can be fined up to $1,000 and/or jailed for up to six months. Repeat offenders face up to $2,000 in fines, up to 12 months in jail, or both.
Looks like this guy is in deep trouble.