PM Lee on 12th Day of Circuit Breaker: Next Few Days Will be Critical

After living in isolation for 128 days—

Reader Bao: 12 days. Did you read your own headline?

—right, for 12 days, we’ve forgotten that a day comprises a sunrise and a sunset, and also forgotten how it feels like to wake up with an alarm clock.

Yesterday was important because it was the 11th day of the Circuit Breaker, and it was mentioned that we’d be seeing the results of our daily Maggi Mee diet on the 11th day of “lockdown”.

Thankfully, MOH did mentioned that the Circuit Breaker does work.

But we should not get complacency, because when God takes away one problem, He’ll give you another.

Reader Bao: Got this phrase—

PM Lee: Early Signs That Circuit Breaker Bringing Down Cases But There Are Hidden Cases

When PM Lee speaks, everyone listens.

Because once upon a time, he spoke and everyone’s now at home.

And now, he’s spoken on Facebook.

In his latest update about the Circuit Breaker measures, he echoed what MOH has said: he mentioned that in “the broader community, there are a few early signs that the circuit breaker is bringing cases down.”

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Cases in migrant worker dormitories are still going up, and the authorities are working to reduce the number of new cases, but it will take some time to show results.

In addition, the worrying fact is the “hidden cases circulating in our population, which are keeping the outbreak going.”

Basically, MOH mentioned yesterday that they’ve a programme whereby they tested a small sample of patients in their primary care facilities and found some positive cases. If that sounds too chim, it basically means they randomly tested people and found them to be positive lah.

This indicates undetected cases in the community.

Mr Lee then said that the “next few days will be critical,” and we must all “do our part, in order to defeat COVID-19.”

Reader Bao: No mention of whether CB period would be shortened or extended?

No, so please don’t throw away all your Maggi Mee or buy more Maggie Mee.

Here’s our Prime Minister’s Facebook post:

Number of Cases As of Now

In a statement released earlier, MOH revealed that there are a staggering 942 new cases today (18 April 2020). According to them, “the vast majority of whom are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.”

And of this 942 cases, only 14 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

This means we now have a total of 5,992 cases as of noon today.

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