In light of the recent Coronavirus outbreak, my nephew has surreptitiously given the pathogen the nickname ‘Destroyer of Worlds’.
“Because it destroys everything in its path,” he whispered to me in the back of my candy truck. “Destroys… destroyer of worlds.” He ends off with a grand gesture, eyes wide and mysterious.
“Well…” I smiled. “I wouldn’t say it’s so much of a destroyer of worlds, sonny. It hasn’t exactly destroyed Uranus yet.” I thought for a while. “Rather than that, how about… the destroyer of businesses?”
His eyes shone like Brahms’. “Wow, cool.”
“And to really play it up…” I said absent-mindedly as I referred to my phone. “Why don’t we employ PM Lee as a hero, who uses pictures of pretty birds to save the day?”
My nephew stared at me. Just as I was about to yell “Sike! It’s not what you’re thinking!”, he exclaimed:
“Sounds like a Goody Feed headline, but cool!!”
PM Lee Uses Pretty Bird Pictures To Ask S’poreans To Come Out & Play During Covid-19 Lull Period
Pretty bird pictures might be a normality, but as far as PM Lee’s concerned, they’re a heroic-mality.
In light of the lifestyle changes ‘indicted’ by the dreaded COVID-19 outbreak, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has taken it upon himself to help the many affected businesses in Singapore, urging citizens to go about their lives as usual.
In a Facebook post yesterday, PM Lee highlights the unfortunate circumstances that local attractions and businesses are now facing and shared that the government’s working closely with businesses and union leaders to protect workers during this downturn.
The tourism sector, for instance, is one of the sectors getting additional support since the last Budget.
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A Great Time For Deals
PM Lee also stated that it was a good time to visit the local attractions: Jewel Changi Airport, for one, will be waiving entrance fees to its canopy park until end March.
After all, this is the best time for deals liao.
Those worried about travel restrictions can consider a staycation at a local hotel as well.
And to attract all the panic-stricken bird watchers out there, he disclosed that Wildlife Reserves Singapore is using this lull period to ramp up training for the staff members.
Cue Pretty Birds
While he’s at it, he also shared several ‘pretty bird photos’ to sum up the whole bird-watching experience.

With some really captivating captions, I might add.

PM Lee then ends off with a reminder that the COVID-19 does not mean the end. Just like ITE.
“Above all, let us go about our lives as normally as possible,” he said.
Netizens Express Their Support
To date, PM Lee’s post has garnered over 4.6K likes and reactions, and a whopping 240 shares.
Netizens have also shown their support for the cause.

Now, as hypocritical as I am to say this…
It truly is a heartwarming sight to see Singaporeans out and about again, regardless of what the COVID-19 has to entail.
So go on out and spread your wings, locals!
There are loads of pretty birds to be found if you just look intensely enough.
You can see his post below: