Police & Army Spotted in NTU This Morning Due to ‘Case of Assault’ & An Alleged Fugitive

Update on 15 December 2019, 11:07am: It is a false report made by a female NTU student that sparked a manhunt.

If you stay in NTU and for some reason haven’t heard of anything, here’s a PSA: stay indoors. Cook your own breakfast or go back to sleep instead.

According to students’ feedback on the ground, multiple police cars were spotted in NTU, and army personnel were involved as well.

Image: MustShareNews
Image: MustShareNews

Early this morning at about 1:45 a.m., the NUS Student Union Instagram account finally gave an update of what went down:

Image: Instagram (ntu.su)

In case you can’t read:

NTUSU understands that there has been a recent reported case of assault that happened on campus. Those that were involved are currently aiding the police on their ongoing investigation.

For your own safety and to better aid the ongoing investigations, we urge everyone who is currently in NTU to stay indoors.

Safety is of the utmost importance. As part of the NTU community, let’s look out for one another. If you see anything suspicious, please do not hesitate to dial the Campus Security hotline (6790 5200) or the Emergency Hotline (999).

According to Mothership.sg, residents from NTU received a message that “some fugitives” were on “the loose”.

At midnight, several residents allegedly heard “loud noises” that sounded like a “shotgun”. Cars that were leaving NTU were also reportedly searched.

Sounds pretty serious.

Now, do note that these are pure hearsay, though it seems that many have mentioned that something happened in Hall 16.

According to MustShareNews, the assault took place in Hall 16. It’s rumoured that Gurkhas were involved, though people might have mistaken soldiers as Gurkhas.

In addition, in a Reddit thread, a netizen claimed that there is a blue tent near Hall 16.

But of course, here’s a reminder: these are all speculations.

What’s real is that you should avoid NTU today.

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