Police Found Teen Who Drank Beverage & Put It Back; Teen Claimed He Had Bought The Drinks

Jokes are okay, but sometimes, there’s a limit to the jokes you made.

For example, once, I poured Coke on my boss and recorded everything, and then posted it in my Tik Tok account.

Reader Bao: You so old also got Tik Tok?

Yes, Mr Bao. The video went viral but I was made to drink his pee daily from then on.

And then there’s this youth who decided that it would be fun to film himself taking a drink from a supermarket, drinking it and then putting it back, and adding the sentence “How to spread Wuhan” on the video.

I didn’t laugh, my boss didn’t laugh, NTUC FairPrice didn’t laugh and no one laughed.

The police didn’t find it funny, too: in fact, they think it causes “public alarm” simply because we Singaporeans went apeshit when DORSCON turned orange; we’d go crazy if we know that a youth is going around planting his saliva on drinks in supermarket.

And so, they went on work to track him down.

And it’s the SPF at work, so there could be only two outcomes: they either caught him on the first day, or on the second day.

And second day it is.

Police Found Teen Who Drank Beverage & Put It Back; Teen Claimed He Had Bought The Drinks

The SPF announced on Monday that they are trying to identify the youth involved, and today, we know more about the youths after SPF said that they’ve identified the clowns youths.

According to the men and women in blue, it involved two youths: the thirsty one who drank the beverage and the Michael Bay who filmed it.

One of them had actually posted it to his private Instagram account.

It’s 2020, and people still think there’s a thing known as “private” on the Internet?

The youths had intended it to be a joke among friends. They also claimed that they later bought the drinks.

Apparently, the police said that “an acquaintance recorded a copy of the video and circulated it online. This caused public alarm and concern.”

The video then finds its way to all kinds of social media platforms, from Facebook to Twitter and rumours have it that it even time-travelled to the past and got into Friendster.

Investigations are ongoing.

The police also added that they will not tolerate any actions that stoke undue public alarm, especially during this period of heightened sensitivity.

So if you think it’s funny, better think twice.

Especially you Tiktokers. I’ve seen many of you doing silly things about the Covid-19 ah.

Reader Bao: I still can’t believe an uncle like you uses Tik Tok

Trust me, Mr Bao: everyone uses Tik Tok. They just don’t tell you.

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