Since the dawn of humanity, people have been fighting with one another.
Whether it’s with our fists at the coffee shop or with our words in the comments section of a Facebook post, people just love arguing.
Squabbles on the road are pretty common too, since we’re all rushing to get to our destination, even if that destination is a bubble tea store.
And instead of settling the issue like mature adults by talking it out, some people would rather roll around in the grass with their adversary.
Police Investigating 2-Min Fight of 2 Men In Geylang That Ended With Them Driving Off
A video of two men fighting in Geylang has gone viral on social media.
The incident appears to have occurred at the junction of Sims Avenue and Lorong 39 Geylang, reportedly at around 1pm yesterday (22 November).
The video begins with a man in a black T-shirt throwing punches at another man in white. The two appear to have alighted from their vehicles to fight at the side of the road, leaving their vehicles in the middle of the rightmost lane, obstructing traffic.

White then manages to get the upper hand, by pushing Black onto a patch of grass by the roadside.
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Once he’s down, White starts kicking him, and Black retaliates by doing the same.

Black almost manages to get back on his feet before White pushes him down again and gets on top of him. It’s at this point where a female passenger emerges from one of the cars stopped at the side of the road.
It’s hard to tell from this angle, but she either came out to try and stop the fight or get a ringside seat.

The two then start grappling with each other on the floor, and if the video began here, it would seem that both drivers couldn’t contain their affection for each other and engaged in some passionate lovemaking on the side of the road.

White eventually manages to get on top, but an onlooker in grey intervenes and separates the two angry men.

White then complains to the man in grey, before both men get into their cars and drive off, as if they had just had a meal at the coffee shop together.

It’s unknown if the men sustained any injuries in the fight. Speaking to The Straits Times, the police confirmed that a report had been lodged. Investigations are ongoing.

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Featured Image: YouTube (SG ALL-IN)