PropNex Continues with Event at a Smaller Scale Coz There’s a ‘Need to Recognize Those Who Have Done Well’

You’d probably know by now that many mass events are cancelled, with the latest victim being the popular Ramadan bazaars that we look forward every year.

If you’ve been to one before, you’d attend every single bazaar every year even when the items sold are usually the same #truestory

If you need to think before you figure out the reason, you must’ve just woken up from a long, long sleep.

The authorities are calling for social distancing, something that an introvert would go, “Finally, what I’ve done is now being encouraged!”

And last Friday, MOH said that all ticketed cultural, sports and entertainment events with 250 participants or more are to be deferred or cancelled; if tickets have been sold and the organiser thinks the money earned is more important than people’s lives, then they can still proceed, but satisfactory precautionary measures must be taken.

The number, 250, is just a guide; the authorities are encouraging all social distancing, and if possible, let people “be seated at least one metre apart from one another, and be advised to reduce contact with others.”

But what if it’s a private event?

That’s where the line is blur.

PropNex Continues with Event at a Smaller Scale Coz There’s a ‘Need to Recognize Those Who Have Done Well’

PropNex, which claims to be the largest listed real estate agency in Singapore, has organised an event to show recognition for their top salespeople.

Well, at least that’s what I think it is lah.

According to, the event took place yesterday (17 March) from 12pm to 5:30pm at The Star Performing Arts Centre.


In their Facebook Page, they “went ahead with our PropNex Annual Convention but on a smaller scale with each session keeping to the numbers as advised by Ministry of Health. We do care for our salespersons and staffs, yet need to recognize those who have done well too.”

In other words, they’ve done what is needed as advised by MOH.

However, netizens aren’t happy.

A major discussion in Hardwarezone forums slammed the event, although the event was scaled down from its original plan.

Image: Hardwarezone Forums

This is when a chicken and egg situation occurs: given that it’s an annual event, should it or should it not be cancelled?

Of course, it’s images like this that triggered netizens:

Unless my glasses are not working, I don’t see any one-metre distance between each other—though it’ll be weird if they took such an image with spaces in-between them.

So, what think you? Is this acceptable or should this be cancelled, in the first place?

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