PSA: Himalaya Salt Candy Is High In Sodium According To A M’sian Dietician

The Himalaya Salt Candy craze is a phenomenon I’m glad I lived through. Just your average generation Z with her very average expectations of what a phenomenon is.

Hey, I lived through 2012 – nothing extraordinary, just unnecessary chaos over the doom of mankind.

Image: Tenor

I remember so vividly how every nook and cranny of Singapore’s convenience stores and hypermarkets had the products on every other crate along their check out counters. It sold like Avocado Toast during brunch.

The Himalaya Salt Candy was perceived to be the healthier option. But little did we know…

Poses Bigger Health Risks Than Other Sweets

In a lengthy Facebook post, a dietician from Malaysia, by the name of, Mohd Khairul Azhan, shared about the negative effects of the seemingly harmless item of confectionary. He explained that it poses more of a danger to one’s health as compared to other candies in the market, and this is all because it contains a relatively high amount of sodium.

The Himalayan Salt candy should not be taken as a casual alternative to regular sweets. He explained that one’s sodium needs are often fulfilled by their everyday diets.

Not Exactly a “Healthier Choice” 

The maximum amount of sodium per daily intake is 2,000mg. Khairul broke it down further, providing a few statistics to support his stand on why we simply can’t afford to have the candy on-the-go.

– 12% of sodium comes from our natural food intake.
– Sodium that’s added during cooking is about 5%.
– Sodium added when eating is approximately 4%.
– About 77% of sodium comes from processed foods.

Khairul also provided some scientific insights, listing down various studies that mentioned how the reduction of salt intake can reduce the likelihood of stroke by 10% and heart diseases by 5%.

A dietician with an undying dedication to his line of passion.

Image: Tenor

It’s A No For Him 

He added that the Himalayan Salt candy should only be consumed by individuals who actively perspire, those taking part in high-intensity sports activities, and those who are clinically diagnosed for having a low sodium content in their blood.

On the other hand, he advised those suffering from heart or kidney ailments, as well as, those with high blood pressure, to give the candy a pass. Pregnant women should also avoid the candy as it elevates the risk for pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Image: Tenor

With everything good comes a hint of bad. It’s definitely bad news to some of us here, and for some, another habit to kick off your lists.

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