Today (8 March) is International Women‘s Day.
For those who don’t know, it’s a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

The day aims to help nations worldwide eliminate discrimination against women and focuses on helping women gain full and equal participation in global development.
To celebrate this occasion, the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) shared a video on Facebook featuring three of their airwomen who shared what they do, what it means to them to be part of the RSAF, and ends with them urging other women to persevere in the face of discrimination.
It was quite inspiring. Unfortunately, some male viewers could only focus on one thing:
How one of them looked.
RSAF Dedicates Videos to Female Regulars & Thirsty People Just Focus on 1 Chiobu
In the video, the three women talk about their position in the RSAF and detail what they do.

First up is ME1 Tong Yi Ling, an Air Force Engineer. Tong studied Aerospace Electronics and joined the RSAF because she wanted to “serve the nation” and “make her family proud”.
*Has traumatic flashback to BMT*
*Not in Pegasus company*
The second airwoman featured is CPT Thng Lizhen, an Air Warfare officer. She joined the force because she wanted to work in an “outdoor setting” and was inspired by stories of her friends who were working in the RSAF.

Finally, we have MAJ Gurdeep Kaur, another Air Warfare Officer. She joined the force because she didn’t want a “conventional” job for ladies, saying she wanted something “exciting”.
Inspiring message to other women
After a detailed description of their work, the video ends with an inspiring message from the women.
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MAJ Kaur encouraged women to join the RSAF, urging them to not think of it as “something that only guys can do”.
ME1 Tong, on the other hand, acknowledges the “challenges” one faces as a woman in the force, but urged women to “persevere” and not to give up.
So inspiring, right? Unfortunately, some thirsty viewers were too busy objectifying her to listen to what she had to say.
Too thirsty for equality
As you know, the HardwareZone Forum is where intelligent, rational humanitarians get together to discuss topical issues plaguing the country.
So, when one of them posted a link to the video, calling one of the officers “Chio”, everyone joined in the action.
Some started asking how old she was, some said they were going to sign on to the Air Force, while others made disgusting sexual comments.

Some netizens even posted photos of her, presumably from her social media.
Do these people not see the irony of objectifying women in a video dedicated to INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY?
As I man, I’d like to apologise on behalf of these idiots. We couldn’t even leave you alone on the one day you specifically set aside to remind us to leave you alone.
But if you’re really interested to sign on with RSAF, here’s the video: