Sacked WP MP Yaw Shin Leong Spoke Out; Pointed Out Untruths in WP Press Conference

In the last few months, everyone was talking about Raeesah Khan, and in the last few days, everyone was talking about the Workers’ Party leaders.

Did the Workers’ Party leaders throw Ms Khan under the bus? Which accounts told were true? Who was lying? With Mr Yudhishthra Nathan’s professional and measured answers during the hearing, would he be the next Sengkang MP? Was Yaw Shin Leong’s case really different from Ms Khan’s case?

The answers to the first few questions should be revealed in the next season of The WP Saga, but for the last question, it’s been answered—even if no one is asking.

Sacked WP MP Yaw Shin Leong Spoke Out; Pointed Out Untruths in WP Press Conference

If you’ve watched the entire WP press conference on 2 December, you’d know that a reporter asked why Ms Khan was treated differently from Mr Yaw.

Here’s what happened: Back in 2012, Mr Yaw was expelled from the party after allegations of his extramarital affair were revealed, and that took place in a short period of time.

However, for Ms Khan’s case, she wasn’t taken to task immediately after she revealed to the party that she had lied on parliament; instead, the lie went on for three months.

Here’s Mr Singh answer then: “Yaw Shin Leong did not account himself to the party after the allegations were made. I think he did not address the media, did not address the party. The party was willing to give him some space to get himself organized, but this just went on and it went on, to a point where it was unreasonable conduct and this was not acceptable. And so, the party took the decision to fire him, to sack him.”

Okay, fair enough: the difference is that Mr Yaw had ghosted everyone after his mistake, while Ms Khan had admitted her mistake to Mr Singh then. That explained why there’s a difference in the way the issue was handled.

But Mr Yaw has come out to say that, that wasn’t true.

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Mr Yaw, who now uses the handle “Amos Rao” on Facebook, took to the social media platform today to explain what really happened nine years ago.

Apparently, he said that when the allegations surfaced, he “immediately accounted to both WP Secretary General LTK and Chairman Sylvia Lim.”

And he was allegedly advised  to “stay silent”.

He did that because he “placed party first before self and to minimize the fallout”. With that, he allowed the WP CEC a blank cheque to paint the narrative required.

As you probably know, the “narrative” was that he was expelled and sacked, and according to Mr Yaw, he was okay with that narrative.

However, now, he added that he’s “not okay with what Pritam said, for I did account myself.”

He added that he won’t be “entertaining any media queries and will leave the above as it is.”

Here’s his post:

In the comments section of the post, he said that he has since moved on, and is “clarifying because truth and accountability are key ingredients in politics.”

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