Think of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and images of men and women sliding down poles and racing towards burning houses spring to mind.
Brave responders from the emergency service have saved countless lives in fire and medical emergencies.
But now, the SCDF is becoming known for something entirely different: funny videos on Facebook.

SCDF Used Dancing Lieutenant & Shittyflute Titanic Theme to Introduce Their Vessels
To celebrate the country’s 55th birthday, the SCDF shared a video on Facebook where it introduced its Heavy Rescue Vessel called the ‘Red Manta’.
The 2-minute video wasn’t exactly what you’d expect from an emergency service, however.
The video kicks off with SCDF’s Lieutenant Lina detailing the Maritime Sailpast that would take place during National Day.
As Lina explains, the sailpast includes an exhibition of 13 vessels from Singapore’s national maritime agencies, including the SCDF.
“It showcases how we work together in safeguarding and defending our waters and port”, she said.
She then hands the floor over to Captain Nazri, and this is where things become weird.
The camera slowly moves up Captain Nazri’s chiselled figure as he stands at the edge of a ship, with his eyes closed and head pointed at the clouds, while the famous shittyflute Titanic theme plays in the background.

The ship’s foghorn then sounds, snapping him out of his Titanic trance.
The officer then introduces the “Red Manta”, a heavy rescue vessel from the SCDF which was involved in the Maritime Sailpast.
According to Captain Nazri, the Red Manta can travel up to 65km/hr while maintaining high stability.
SCDF also had two other vessels involved in the National Day sailpast – the Red Sailfish, a heavy fire vessel, and the White Swordfish, a rapid response fire vessel.

The Red Swordfish is the world’s most powerful firefighting vessel and pumps water so rapidly that it could theoretically fill up an Olympic-size swimming pool in just 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, the White Swordfish is SCDF’s fastest vessel, as it can travel up to 75km/hr.
Wanting not to bore viewers too much with the technical details, the video then takes another left turn at the end, as Lieutenant Lina starts dancing while singing the 2002 NDP song We Will Get There.

This wasn’t the only kooky video that the SCDF put out recently, though.
Did a PPAP Video To Introduce FMV
A couple of weeks ago, the SCDF made their own PPAP video to introduce its new 2-in-1 Fire Medical Vehicle (FMV).

“I have a fire engine…”

“Oohh, FMV.”

And just like in their latest video, they made the Lieutenant dance in the PPAP video.

You have to hand it to the SCDF, they’ve somehow managed to make videos about ships and fire engines entertaining.
Their ships might move pretty fast, but no one moves quite as quickly as Lieutenant Lina when she has to dance in front of the camera.