When it comes to saving lives and making Singaporeans happy, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) is the expert.
I mean, just look at their April Fool’s day video.
Or their bottle cap challenge.
The video also reminds us not to panic if an SCDF officer approaches you with a saw to cut you out of the car. They’re very well trained. Probably.
And because it’s Chinese New Year, you know they just have to get their finger in the pi-neapple tarts.
A tribute video to SCDF NSMen
For Chinese New Year 2020, SCDF decides to go with a family-themed video. I mean, what else, right? My boss rejected my horror video proposal for CNY. Again.
It starts off with a really matured looking young boy who is in that awkward phase of life where the world owes you.
So he is rude to everybody, including his dad and mom.

Fast forward a few years and we see him and his father still not getting along.
But his dad was nice enough to wake him up to book in to camp.

He books in late, got his entire platoon into trouble because “One for all, all for one“, and gets hated by everybody.
The video shows his shenanigans in camp and eventually showed how his father cared for him in his own way.
And the boy returned home in time for reunion dinner despite being confined for the weekend.
We’d love to give you a step-by-step replay but honestly, you’re better off watching it yourself.
You Can Watch The Full Video Below:
Are You Spending Time With Your Family This Chinese New Year?
Unlike the past, Chinese New Year today isn’t boring anymore. Back then, most shops are closed and even if you want to go out, there’s no place to go to.
But now? Everywhere’s open and if you want to go out with your friends, well, you can.
But you shouldn’t because Chinese New Year’s a time for families to get together. Remember, your parents won’t blame you for not turning up and they’ll look like they don’t mind.
But they do. A lot.