Smoking. Drinking. Two of the worst vices known to humanity, and for good reason too: Apart from being ludicrously expensive, they are also two of the most proficient contributors to an early death. Or to be precise…
Lung and liver disease.

But here’s the thing. Life, an entity that seems sadistic and masochistic at the same time (more of the former to me, actually), is undeniably an odd one in the sense that it’s rather unpredictable at times. After all, as cavemen have preached since the Ice Age…
“Life Ish Fulf Of Surprifes.”
And as such, it’s really not that big of a surprise to announce the biggest revelation of 2019:
There’s actually a way to salvage your liver and lungs, even with all that crap nestled inside it.

Well, well, life’s full of surprises, alright. And there I thought it was a fatality for sure.
Scientists May Have Found Cure To Liver & Lung Disease From Smoking & Drinking
According to a report by the Daily Mail, scientists have apparently, sceptical as it sounds, discovered a way to reverse damage caused to your liver and lungs from heavy drinking and smoking.
According to new findings, the damage afflicted by cirrhosis of the liver and fibrosis of the lungs, which commonly happen because of constant drinking and smoking, can be undone. Lest you’re unaware, both diseases attack different parts of the body through the endless process of scarring and eventually consume the healthy tissue of an organ.
And yes, the condition’s fatal.
However, a research time has since done an experiment using lab tissues and mice, and discovered that by “blocking two proteins that carry ‘instructions’ for the formation of fibroblasts (scar tissue)”…
They can slow and even reverse the life-threatening process!
Wait… How Does It Work?
Lest you’re unaware, liver cirrhosis patients experience a constant degradation of the liver once the organ fails to process the toxins and nutrients going into it. Thus far, the only way to rectify the condition is with a transplant.
Similarly, fibrosis of the lungs causes patients to suffer from shortness of breath and wheezing. The condition’s brought about by the presence of a more rigid scar tissue, which the soft pliable healthy lung tissue is threatened by.
As it is, scientists have identified the two proteins that kickstart the scarring process, YAP and TAZ. Apparently, they also contribute to the possibility of cancer.
However, they are ironically beneficial to the body as well, as both proteins contribute to the larger cell ecosystem by deciding how wounds recover, and what sizes some cells should be.
So yeah, no complete blockage there, I’m afraid.
However, upon further investigation, Mayo Clinic scientists have had a revelation: apparently, YAP and TAZ proteins both respond to dopamine stimulation. And when the proteins were stimulated with dopamine, something magical happened:
The proteins actually began to stop, and even started to reverse the scarring process, breaking down scarred tissue!
And so, with this result in mind, it’s suggested that the same process can be replicated in humans…
And that some of the most common diseases, particularly ones linked to heavy drinking and smoking, may soon be curable!

And So… Now What?
Only time will tell, but it seems that as far as the future’s concerned, your smoke-filled and booze-full lifestyle might yet be a condemned one.
Yet even so, please abstain from excessive smoking and drinking. Because just like everything else…
Moderation is key.
So take it easy on those vices. You don’t have to live unnecessarily long…
But I’m sure you don’t want to live an unnecessarily short-lived life too.