Self-Checking Kiosks Trialling At Toa Payoh Transport Hub & Chong Pang CC

In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, the Defence Science and Technology Agency, as well as the Land Transport Authority have worked together to come up with an initiative to urge more people to have their temperatures taken regularly just to be safe.

The initiative involves three prototype temperature self-checking kiosks, with one located at Toa Payoh MRT Station, one at Toa Payoh Bus Interchange, and the last one at Chong Pang Community Club.

Image: Facebook (SMRT)

The kiosks have been there since Saturday and will be on trial until today.

How Does It Work?

If you’ve passed through the checkpoints to JB recently, you’d probably have seen similar technology at work.

So yes, it’s not new, just used in a different way.

The kiosks are equipped with a sensor that will detect the temperature of whoever stands in front of it.

Image: Facebook (SMRT)

If the person has a temperature above a certain level, the person might be having a fever.

So the kiosk will indicate through a yellow light or a notification on the screen.

If one has a normal temperature or in other words, below the threshold, the kiosk will indicate through a green light or a notification on a screen.

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Distributing Hand Sanitisers

There is another initiative called the Temasek Foundation’s Stay Prepared initiative by non-profit philanthropic group Temasek Foundation Cares.

This initiative was introduced to increase the resilience of the Singapore community to deal with emergencies.

Image: Facebook (Temasek Foundation Cares)

Through this initiative, hand sanitisers are distributed to all frontline transport workers, including taxi drivers and private-hire car drivers.

They have hopes to distribute 100,000 bottles to all frontline workers, and so far they’ve already distributed to 17 independent charity-run clinics, hospitals and healthcare community organisations including NKF Integrated Renal Centre and Tzu Chi Day Rehabilitation Centre.

Image: Facebook (Temasek Foundation Cares)

On Sunday, Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan and Mr Richard Magnus, the chairman of Temasek Foundation Cares, made their way down to Toa Payoh Transport Hub to distribute hand sanitisers to the public transport workers from SBS Transit and SMRT.

Image: Facebook (Temasek Foundation Cares)

According to Mr Richard Magnus, most front-line workers do not always have access to washing facilities when they are working.

As such, he believes that the distribution of hand sanitisers would greatly help them and allow them to clean their hands while still performing their duties efficiently.

It is interesting that they are coming up with more of such initiatives to make lives better for everyone.

Hopefully, the self-checking kiosks will also be made available in other parts of Singapore soon so that we can all check our temperatures regularly.

Also good if you don’t have a thermometer at home.

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