Short-Term Pass Holders Can Get Vaccinated in S’pore from 18 Aug

Unlike some people we’ve seen on Facebook recently, COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate.

It doesn’t care where you come from, what your background is, or what brand of shoes you wear.

So, when vaccinating individuals in a country, vaccinating citizens and long-term residents alone won’t be enough to keep the disease at bay.

After all, the point of vaccinations is to curb the spread of the disease, which can be transmitted by anyone.

This is why yet another group of people in Singapore will now be allowed to get their shots.

Short-Term Pass Holders Can Get Vaccinated in S’pore from 18 Aug

Put on your masks, grab your TraceTogether token, and get ready to pull up those sleeves, short-term pass holders, because you can now get a COVID-19 vaccine for free.

Short-term pass holders will now be eligible for a COVID-19 jab if they have been in Singapore for an extended period of time, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in a statement yesterday (18 Aug).

This group includes short-term work pass and special pass holders, such as those on Training Employment Passes, Training Work Permits, Work Holiday Passes, and Special Passes.

It will also be made available to eligible Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) holders who have been in Singapore for at least 60 days continuously, many of whom were unable to return because of global travel restrictions during the pandemic.

“Although their stay in Singapore is temporary, vaccinating this group would further strengthen the resilience of our society against COVID-19,” MOH said.

Registration Process

All short-term pass holders can simply walk into any of the vaccination centres to receive their first dose without a prior appointment – they will not receive any invitation or notification for an appointment from the health ministry.

They should bring along identifying documents such as their passport and their work/special passes for verification.

They will not be able to walk into polyclinics or participating Public Health Preparedness Clinics, however.

As for STVP holders who have valid phone numbers registered with the Government, they will receive an SMS from MOH with a personalised booking link.

“They will not be able to walk-in to any of the vaccination sites without an appointment,” MOH said.

STVP holders who do not receive an SMS from MOH by 22 Aug may request an appointment by sending MOH supporting immigration documentation here.

Vaccines Free, But Not Covered Under Financial Assistance Programme 

The vaccine will be free for all short-term pass holders, but they will not be covered under the Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme, MOH said.

This means that they will not receive the one-time financial assistance promised to long-term residents and citizens who suffer serious side effects from the vaccine.

The decision to get vaccinated, as always, lies with the individual.

“As more of our population get vaccinated and the local situation remains under control, we can stay on track to further re-opening and progress as a nation towards COVID resilience,” MOH said.

Learn more about the importance of vaccination here:

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Featured Image: BaLL LunLa /

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