SIM is Going to Move Most Lessons Online Which Might Lead to a ‘Ghost-Town School’

Let’s be honest. School is a cool place, but the one thing that’s always been on our mind these whole time is… Why can’t we just do the lessons online?

And now that COVID-19 is literally everything on people’s minds… I mean, seriously.

Just look at our front page. Out of the first 10 articles, 9 are about it in some way or another. There’s really no better time to just conduct lessons online.

Which brings us back to the question.

Why not just do it online?

Image: Giphy

(Definitely not motivated by the incentive to avoid social interactions. Introvert gang unite!)

For the students in SIM, it looks like you guys will be among the first to implement the 21st century way of doing things.

SIM: Online Learning In View of COVID-19

According to their Facebook post and web, the majority of SIM classes will be moved to online from April to June. Until the end of March, normal face-to-face classes are still ongoing, though we understood from some students (UOL) that physical classes have already cancelled as of today (19 March).

Note that it says majority and not all, which implies that some classes are still conducted physically. Because as you’d probably know, the SIM campus doesn’t just house one university but many distance-learning universities and SUSS.

Those suay enough to be in that category, I feel you.

The reason is, as expected, COVID-19. And not because we live in the 21st century and can do things the 21st century way.

Image: Facebook (SIM Global Education, Singapore Institute of Management)

Relax About The SUSS COVID Case

In their message, they also asked students to chill about the one case in SUSS, which you can read about here. You see, that student was a part-time student, which also means that he didn’t have much time to interact with school mates. His time on campus on 12 March 2020 was only limited to his classroom and his class duration.

If you only had transient contact with him, or just been in the same class, the risk of infection is actually low.

SUSS is working on contact tracing, and have undertaken deep cleaning and disinfecting of the area he spent time in according to guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and the National Environment Agency.

Then you might be wondering: hold up, what about SUSS then?

SUSS Online Learning From 16 to 29 March

That’s right; as you’re reading this article, SUSS students are already on online classes. Which you can read about in their COVID-19 advisory.

No idea why the dates for online learning are different from SIM, but in the case of SUSS it definitely makes sense to start earlier.

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If you want to be kaypoh (which I am) in the specifics of their online classes, they’ll be using Zoom to conduct them live and any examinations will also be replaced by e-examinations. Some classes are not live, which I assume means a recorded lecture or something else.

Hah, I guess the prof can’t be telling me that there’s no eating in the lecture halls now.

Image: Reddit (u/mistermuesli)

In the meantime, BuffLord95, who’s a part-time student there, has just one question: would these two unfriendly cats that often linger outside the library be happy about this decision?

Because from what he gathered, they hated humans as much as they hated COVID-19.

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