SMU Student Took Upskirt Photo Of Colleague During Internship; Only Gets Short Detention Order

Oh no, not another one.

I don’t like that this disgusting action just keeps happening so much recently.

This insanity that is people taking upskirt videos of others or just sexual harassment in general.

Image: Giphy

You’re violating someone’s personal space, being an absolute creep and you should just not even think about doing it.

It’s always a displeasure to report such news but unfortunately, it’s happened again.

While On Internship

And this time it’s a Singapore Management University (SMU) student.

We’re really going down the uni line at this rate, huh?

According to The Straits Times,  Hoon Qi Tong, 23, decided to take upskirt videos of his colleagues during his internship.

His reason is just as absurd: he was curious to see if he could derive pleasure from watching them.

Image: Imgflip

How do you suddenly just ask yourself, “Gee, I wonder if this would get me horny?”

And then even proceed to do said harassment to other people?

The guy even admitted to feeling bored from the act and decided to up his level.

How do you ask? By proceeding to film women in toilets instead.

Image: Giphy

Getting Caught

The guy apparently had two failed attempts before and he still wanted to try a third time.

Like the lyrics from a certain Backstreet Boys song, tell me why.

Image: Giphy

Hoon had spotted his 31-year-old colleague entering the washroom on 13 September 2017

He then somehow decided to just linger outside the toilet while she entered, making her suspicious.

After waiting a bit, he then followed the victim and entered the cubicle next to her.

Hoon then began to film her over the cubicle.

Image for illustration purposes. Image: The Healthy

Luckily, the victim took notice of the footsteps and also noticed the phone filming her.

When she demanded for the video to be deleted, he responded by simply reformatting his entire phone.

Consequences of Actions

You darn Hoon got his just deserts.

On 19 December, the now SMU graduate was sentenced to a short detention order of 14 days and has been ordered to complete 130 hours of community service within a year.


That’s it?

Image: Meme Maker

Isn’t sexual harassment mad serious though?

Hoon is also lucky that after being released, it won’t be on his permanent record.


I hope the guy takes time to reflect on what he has done and doesn’t pull this crap again.

Image: meme generator

The victim though…not so lucky.

She told the judge she could no longer use the toilet without fear that she would be filmed again.

Now, she has to have someone accompany her for fear of being followed by a man.

Think about your actions before you do something like this.


It’ll not only look bad on you but it could negatively affect others for a very long time.

Also, keep your hands and phones to yourselves.

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