Someone Made a Wordle-Like Game That is Based on MRT & LRT Stations in S’pore

Just in case our fair readers aren’t familiar with what Wordle is yet, think of Mastermind—the colour combination guessing game—and change it to guessing five-letter words instead.

If the word-game concept sounds intriguing enough to you, you can read about it here.

Localising an Internet Famous Game

Given the mass popularity that Wordle enjoys, and the genuine simplicity and uncomplicated genius that lies behind the game, a reddit user by the handle of Lifth decided to make a Singaporean version of it.

No, not of the different slang words and how Singlish generally butchers grammar and vocabulary pronunciation.

Rather, Geodle aims to test how well Singaporeans know the name of the MRT and LRT stations, since public transport is such an intrinsic part of our lives.

You can try the game for yourself here if you’d like!

Instructions for Geodle

The rules of the game are simple, in fact, I’ll let the website do it by itself:


In essence, you have six tries to guess the correct station out of 165 stations.

Instead of being given which letters you’ve gotten right or wrong like Wordle or Hangman, you will be given the distance and an arrow instead, which will tell you how near or far you are from the location, and in what direction.


The green bar is also an indication of “how correct” you are; the closer you are to the right location, the more the bar will fill up.

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Admittedly, it’s quite creative, and it can be a fun game to play, especially on the train and you have free access to the MRT map right in front of your face.

Of course, if you want to lower the difficulty a little, aka you have never ridden an LRT and you have absolutely no use for that knowledge, Lifth has made a purely MRT version too.

In the end, it’s all fun and games, and there’s only one station to guess per day.

Easy. Simple. Native.

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Featured Image: Geodle

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