South Korea Suddenly Has The Highest Number of COVID-19 Outside of China ‘Coz of 1 Churchgoer

Before 20 Feb 2020, Singapore had the highest number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in the world outside of China.

But now, South Korea holds that unenviable position.

South Korea Covid-19 Cases Spike Horrendously

On 18 Feb 2020, South Korea has 31 infections.

Fast forward 2 days later and they have 82 cases.

And on 21 Feb 2020, it was reported that South Korea now has 156 confirmed Covid-19 cases.

One long-term patient at a hospital in Cheongdo county died showing symptoms of pneumonia. When tested after his death, it was found that he has Covid-19.

What exactly happened in South Korea over the past few days?

It’s All Because of a Stubborn Churchgoer

Case number 31 in South Korea is a 61-year-old South Korean woman.

She first developed a fever on 10 Feb 2020.

However, because she did not travel abroad, she refused to be tested for the coronavirus.

Then, she went on to attend at least four more services at the Daegu branch of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus before she was diagnosed.

More Than Half Of New Cases From Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the southern city of Daegu

On 21 Feb 2020, 52 new confirmed cases were reported by South Korea (yes, in one day), increasing the total number of confirmed cases to 156.

39 of the new cases has links to the Daegu branch of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

111 of 156 confirmed cases are located in Daegu or nearby areas.

The fourth-largest South Korean city is now on high alert and residents were asked to stay at home.

A nearby major US base was also asked to restrict access by the mayor.

More than 400 members of the church exhibit symptoms of the disease and tests are still ongoing.

WHO Disagrees With Media Outlets Who Labelled Event As Super-Spreading

South Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention labelled the outbreak of Covid-19 infections as a “super-spreading” incident.

A super-spreader implies that a person is more able than others to pass on diseases, like these people back in 2003 during Sars.

Experts and the World Health Organisation (WHO) disagree with the label and considered it to be a “cluster” of cases.

They say that the infection spread isn’t just caused by a single person, but by how they behave, the time and the place of infection as well.

The Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been described as a cult and it was speculated that the way the church holds its services might have increased the infection rate.

According to former church members, members have to sit close together and sing songs with their arms around one another.

But The Term Isn’t Important

What’s important is the behaviour of the patient.

Because she refused to believe that she could be infected, she went on to infect others through her thoughtless behaviour.

So if you’re not feeling well and you think you’re too garang to go to the doctor for “just a small cold”?

Go see a doctor anyway.


After all, remember the number one motto of Singaporeans? Better be safe than never.

Meanwhile, keep updated on the Covid-19 situation in Singapore by bookmarking MOH’s website.

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