SPF Revealed More Details About the Hostage Incident in Yishun

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) have been appearing in our newsfeed since 2023 started.

First, it was Clement, and now, it’s the Yishun hostage situation that happened this morning (9 January 2023).

While the SPF did not hold a press release to commend Clement for his unwavering patience, they did one for the incident that happened this morning.

SPF Revealed More Details About the Hostage Incident in Yishun

Unsurprisingly, the man was on drugs.

Central Narcotics Bureau said that based on preliminary investigations, the man’s urine tested positive for controlled drugs.

He will be charged tomorrow (10 January) with possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

If convicted, he can be jailed for up to three years and given at least six strokes of the cane.

Do note that he might still be charged for other offences.

It also turned out that police officers in the area know about this man.

An SPF spokesman said that the patrol officers there were familiar with him and had interacted with him before. It’s not mentioned what kind of interactions they had.

The man had used a knife that had an 8cm blade, and while there were blood stains on the knife, preliminary investigations revealed that they weren’t human blood.

The police will seek to remand him at the Institute of Mental Health for psychiatric evaluation after he is charged tomorrow.

Unlike what was mentioned by residents in the area, the entire stand-off actually lasted just 20 minutes instead of an hour.

Yishun Still Safe

The press conference, held at Woodlands Police Division, was led by the Commander of Woodlands Police Division, Assistant Commissioner of Police Ang Eng Seng.

Other than providing more details about the incident, AC Ang also addressed the elephant in the room. He said, “In general, the law and order situation in Yishun is well under control. We believe this to be a one-off incident and residents need not be unduly worried.”

In other words, it happened not because it’s in Yishun lah.

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