S’pore Parent Complains That Child’s Pre-School ‘Always’ Ends 5-10 Mins Early

I love leaving school early.

Sorry, loved. I forget my days of month-long holidays are over.

Image: Giphy

Regardless, it’s safe to say that most of us wouldn’t disagree with an early release from school or work.

And if you’re a parent, that means your child can go for tuition – I mean go home and spend time with you as well.

But some parents are nitpicky and really want mere minutes to be accounted for.

Angry For Early Release

You’re probably reading the sub-header and going, “Angry for what?”

Same feelings, reader. 

According to Mothership, a Facebook user had posted on a group regarding her child leaving early from school, particularly Adventist Schoolhouse.

The original post has been taken down as of the writing and reposted by All Singapore Stuff.

I must say, for a repost, getting over 580 reactions and 310 shares is still pretty impressive.

The parent had been tracking the hours their child was at school and found out that the school occasional released them at the shocking time of 2.21pm.

Oh no, an early release from your 11.30am to 2.30pm class, a travesty.

GIF: Giphy.com

Please detect my sarcasm.

The parent even took the time to exclude all remaining time such as using the toilet and miscellaneous activity post-class to find…

…wait for it….

That classes possibly ended at 2.10pm or 2.15pm. Horrifying.

Or maybe we can look at it from the perspective that the kids are well-behaved so the teachers can conduct lessons smoothly?

GIF: Giphy.com

They even calculated if the child left early for a month that they would waste an entire lessons worth of time.

I’m just here trying to calculate the logic behind complaining about early release.

Comments Section Best Section

The biggest blessing in this situation? It’s a Facebook post.

You know we’re about to get down and sarcastic in the comments section.

And boy did the comments section blow the heck up.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)
Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

I don’t know if the office caught fire but those were some burns if I ever saw some.

Of course, not everyone activated their snide side. There were a few who even broke down why finishing earlier might be good for kids!

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)
Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

If you want even more entertainment though, go check out the link to the post above.

There are way too many funny comments to insert in just one article.


The parent likely just couldn’t see the other side of the coin, the one I’m sure most of us are on. 

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