S’pore Parents Scalded & Beat 5YO Boy To Death, Puts Him In A Cage & Pinches Him With Pliers

It’s not every day that we hear horrific stories about child abuse here on our sunny shores.

But once in a while, these incidences do rear their ugly heads and when it does the outcome is often tragic.

This case is certainly one of them:

S’pore Parents Scalded & Beat 5YO Boy To Death, Puts Him In A Cage & Pinches Him With Pliers

The headline contains horror after horror. If you have a weak stomach I suggest skipping the next three paragraphs. You’ve been warned.

The boy’s parents, Azlin Arujunah and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman who are both 27-years-old, threw hot water on his face and body. His skin began to peel and pus oozed out from his wounds.

In one incident, Azlin found biscuits on the floor. To her, a fitting punishment was to hit the boy with a broom on his legs, body and back. As a result, he started to have a limp after suffering a misaligned kneecap.

In another incident, Ridzuan punched his face, making his nose bleed and Azlin shoved the boy, making his head hit the wall and bleed.

He was also placed in a cage which was used for their cat.

And if you’re wondering, yes they were, in fact, his biological parents, yet they still had the heart to do this to him.

The endpoint? His injuries were so serious that he collapsed, and even then, they were reluctant to bring him to the hospital because they didn’t want to be convicted for child abuse.

Hence, they delayed bringing him to the hospital and by the time they finally did? It was too late.

He passed away in the hospital on 23 October 2016.

On Trial For Their Son’s Murder

In court, the prosecution said, “This is a murder as horrific as it is tragic,” said the prosecution team. “Leaving aside the physical abuse he suffered, one cannot imagine the pain and torment the deceased must have endured in the months leading up to his death.”

“He was tortured to his death and had no one to turn to.”

Image: Giphy

The charges?

Ridzuan faces nine charges which include murder with common intention, ill-treatment of child and voluntarily causing hurt by means of heated substance.

Azlin has six charges, which include abetment of voluntarily causing hurt by means of a heated substance.

Just think about it. 75% of his body was covered in burn injuries.

The autopsy report also certified his cause of death as severe scald injuries with a blunt force trauma to the head as a contributory cause.

May justice be served.

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