Lest you’ve been hiding under a rock, you would know Xiaxue (aka Wendy Cheng) is a very opinionated person who is not afraid to let the world know what she thinks.
In fact, this behaviour of hers has landed her on the headlines more than once in recent years.
Some would even argue that her pink hair is full of gossip and secrets that she’s collecting for her next exposé.
And in the latest episode…
S’pore Personality Xiaxue Calls Local Actress A ‘Hypocrite’ Over The Topic of Morbid Obesity
She has made known to the public on her Instagram page that she is absolutely against glorifying morbid obesity.
She told Asiaone, “I maintain my stance that nobody should be telling the morbidly obese they are beautiful and okay the way they are, and she chooses to see it as being cruel to them. I think what’s being cruel is to let people die from obesity-related diseases if they don’t wake up from their delusion that they are brave, gorgeous and their size 24 bodies should be celebrated”.
She says, “People with BMI 50 and above shouldn’t be romanticized or glorified in the media. I maintain my stance. Morbid obesity isn’t attractive because it leads to death and disease. This isn’t personal against anyone so it isn’t fat-shaming.”
She also points out that she “did not ever talk about chubby or regular fat people.”
Where It First Began
It all began when she posted a series of controversial Instastories with captions that called a model, La’Shaunae Steward, “disgusting” and “unattractive”.
Xiaxue said that while it is one thing to be “chubby or fat” the model, Steward’s weight was “way past that” and was “morbidly obese.”

Xiaxue Clashes With Opinions Of A Local Actress & Fellow Clicknetwork Host
A local actress and fellow YouTube channel Clicknetwork host Oon Shu An partly disagreed with Xiaxue and took to Instagram to share her thoughts.
The situation escalated quickly and Xiaxue followed up with a comment on Shu An’s Instagram post and called her a hypocrite on Instagram stories.
Xiaxue told Asiaone, “I was so disgusted when I saw her post because I thought we were friends. She could have texted me first but I guess virtue signalling was more important to her.”
Shu An told Asiaone that it didn’t cross her mind to text Xiaxue first but if she did, her main issue “would not have been what (Xiaxue) said, but how she said it”.
“But I don’t think I have the right to tell her how she should or shouldn’t express herself. I will bear this in mind for the future, because we do have differing views on a lot of things and how to approach them.”
“What I was actually concerned about, was a lot of points people were making in general in response to what was said. So I tried to address the issue the best I could while making it a point not to attack her.”
Shu An did agree that morbid obesity is a problem and that one shouldn’t glorify it as it is bad for your health.
However, she believes that in the case of the plus-sized model, it wasn’t glorification but an attempt at representation.
She also points out that there could also be other factors that may have caused their weight gain such as health issues and depression, and that we could help these people by loving them first.
“But there is also the idea that a way to help people is to love them first, and to give them the tools to help themselves and to believe that they will help themselves. I don’t think a single fat, much less, morbidly obese person is unaware of their size.”
Whose side are you on?