S’pore Youths Who Filmed Themselves Spitting In Shopping Mall Viral Video Arrested

Young people truly don’t learn.

After three teenagers were caught by the police for spitting at lift buttons, you would’ve thought they knew that spitting is taboo.

At least right now where Covid-19 could be waiting just around the corner.


Image: quickmeme

These three teenagers seemed like they didn’t get the memo.

Teenagers Filmed Spitting From Fourth Floor Of Shopping Mall

On 5 Mar, a boy in a black t-shirt was filmed spitting over a railing in a mall.

There was another teenager with him wearing a white t-shirt.

A girl could be heard laughing in the background, and she was presumed to be the one doing the recording.

When this video went viral, it wasn’t known whether this really happened in Singapore.

Well, now, we know.

Singapore Police Says They’ve Caught The Three Troublemakers

On 12 Mar 2020, the Singapore Police Force announced that they’ve arrested two males and one female aged 17 to 19 years old.

These three were suspected to be related to the crime which happened at a mall in the central area of Singapore.

They had received a report of the video on 3 Mar and managed to identify the three culprits through ground enquiries and reviewing the CCTV footage.

For their offence of being a public nuisance, the trio could be fined up to $2,000.

And if their offence is “deemed to be able to cause with reasonable probability, any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public, or to the people in general who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity”, they could be jailed for up to 3 months, fined up to $2,000, or both.

In other words, they can really be in big trouble.

Police investigations are ongoing.

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One Said They Cleaned Up Their Mess & Apologised

According to Mothership, one of the culprits had contacted them on 6 Mar.

He claimed to be one of the teenagers and said they went down to clean up their mess after.

The spit had also not hit anyone, and they’ve apologised to the staff at Subway.

However, when Mothership checked with Subway, the staff at the outlet were not aware of any apologies.

Especially Sensitive During These Trying Times

Now, in case you’re:

  • a teenager
  • you think this is cool
  • and you’re thinking of trying this to catch the girl of your dreams


Even when there are no Covid-19 outbreaks, spitting in public is a hygiene concern which can net you a fine.

Today, at this juncture where Singapore is battling against an extremely infectious virus, which is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets (read: liquid from you when you sneeze or cough)?

You know the consequences are going to be even worse.


The Singapore Police Force also said that they are taking this seriously, especially due to the Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore.

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